ODEN'S EYE PERFECT WORLD COLLECTION | eye swatches of all 30 shades

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I don't think my eyelids will ever forgive me for this.

Congratulations to @battybean, @MakeupJustForFun, and @LaurenMaeBeauty!!

Each palette will be $33.90 USD or you can get the bundle of all three at a discounted rate of $91.53 USD.

These palettes were sent to me as PR.

Time Stamps:
Flora Story: 00:00
Sea Talk: 09:30
Planet Spirit: 18:34
My affiliate links:


Clionadh Cosmetics: KARACHAPMAN to save 6% (affiliated)

Gourmande Girls: KARA to save 10% (affiliated)

Gerard Cosmetics: KARA to save 30% (affiliated)

The Lip Bar: KARA10 to save 10% (affiliated)

Adept Cosmetics: KARA to save 10% (affiliated)

Cheekbone Beauty: KARA to save 10% (not affiliated)


For reference:
Age: 42
Skin type: normal, leaning towards dry
Mac shade: NC20
#odenseye #perfectworld
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Very helpful video and I really appreciate the honesty. That's one thing that seems to be hard to find when it comes to collaborations because I feel like other youtubers don't want to offend anyone so you don't get a complete review. Finally someone is thorough and honest!


The flora story palette has the prettiest color story. So many earthy tones.


This is actually the most helpful review video ever. It takes a lot of effort (and pain) to do live swatches for these many shades and I appreciate your 100% honesty.


Thanks, your videos are really the most helpful in deciding what to buy and how to use it. I appreciate the work you put into them! ❤


I am a makeupjustforfun fan and I respect so much your honest review instead of just blowing smoke. Blessings to you Kara!


Favorite review I've seen on these palettes. Eye swatches are my favorite and your commentary while applying is so helpful. 👏👏👏


Found your video through a search for oden’s eye and I just want to say thanks for the eye swatches, which are way more helpful than arm swatches! I’m intrigued by the topper shades as they seem like they would be pretty transformative when used with other shadows. I would be curious to see you use these palettes to create some looks and hopefully get some enjoyment from playing with the different colors and finishes. ❤


I’ve watched so many videos about this collection, but these eyelid swatches were exactly what I needed to decide. Thank you!


Wow, I am soooo grateful for this very honest and extremely helpful video. I agree that the Battybean palette didn’t quite make me think of Battybean’s typical aesthetic, but she can do wonders with any color story. I was actually just going to buy Lauren’s palette because her description of the shades in her reveal video really spoke to me but after watching this video I think I may skip the whole collection. And my wallet will thank me. 🙌


Best review on these !!! I can always count on you to give a fair and honest review ! Thanks so much


Thank you for being so comprehensive! I'm thinking of buying Betty Jean's palette. I agree it isn't her usual style but it's still fairly unique and colorful.


I tend to believe there were some constraints put on the creators. In her launch video, Betty Jean said that OE "wanted a warm palette" and she was down with that. Clear indication that they did not have full creative control. However, I watch Amanda (MU Just for Fun) faithfully and can confidently say this is very her. She loves purple and green eyeshadow. She also talked about going back and forth with OE to get each color just right. P.S.: Ooof! Your poor eyes with all of this swatching! Thanks for taking one for the team.


First off, thank you for putting so much work into making this video! It’s so helpful to see all of these eye swatched.

I personally have used some of the OE shadows before, and I gotta say they’ve never really looked like this on me. Maybe I’m just doing something different (I don’t set my eyes) or maybe it’s a texture thing? I’m not sure. The shimmers I have used from them in particular have looked - in my opinion - a lot better than they seem to here. But I don’t know if that’s an inconsistent quality issue, or an eyelid difference, or a preparation difference or what.

I rarely use primer and I never set my eyes, and I always use my finger for shimmers. So it’s definitely a different way of applying. But I love that you’ve shown this way as well because so many people apply eyeshadows this way. And it’s so important to see how everything works with the way each person applies. Because we’re not all going to change our habits for one (or three) palette(s), you know?

Sorry if this is ramble-y. My point is, I think these palettes will still work for me and they way I apply my eyeshadow. But I can definitely see that it may not work for others.

I really, really appreciate the massive effort you put into doing a video like this! Thank you for sharing this with us!!! 💖


I really appreciate these eye swatches & your HONESTY!!!


Really appreciated seeing each shadow on your eyelids. Very beautiful.


I loved seeing each individual color on its own. I was vacillating about whether to get these or not and it's going to be a no for me. Thank you for taking the time to show each color and your frankness about these palettes.


It was really helpful to see the eye swatches and arm swatches in such clear lighting. Thank you and love to your poor eyelids! it helps to see the colours in this way to decide if they are something I want or how closely they might match things I already have. You did a wonderful job with this video.


I love your view on makeup. Im so sick of all the run dont walk! This was the video I needed to see! Thank you!


Thank you so much for taking the time to create this video, what a huge effort! Really nice to see ANY eyeshadow formula /palette entirely swatched out & discussed in detail -- especially such a new & hotly discussed release!


This is an amazing review! I really need to cut back my spending on makeup, but I was getting all excited and planned to buy all 3 of these palettes. So glad your review convinced me I didn't need them. Just subscribed!
