Biggest Mistakes Made When Starting Seeds Indoors

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Starting seeds indoors can be rewarding but also very frustrating and discouraging if you have failure. In this episode I will go through some of the most popular mistakes gardeners make when starting seeds indoors and if a part 2 is needed then we let me know!

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I literally just learned every reason why all my plants die and I had no clue what I was doing wrong. Thank you!


Yes please make a part two. I need info on watering and fertilizing, etc. Thank you for taking the time to do these!


I have really enjoyed learning from your videos. I wanted to let you know that I use LED shop lights that are only 4000 K and they have worked just as well as anything else. I grow Basil year-round in my basement under those lights and they love it. I start a lot of seeds indoors under those lights as well and they have turned out fabulously. I think that people are deterred from starting seeds indoors when they see how much grow lights are, but there are lots of cheaper options that will still work. Thanks again for all of your educational content.


Yes please make a part two. I'm a begginer and I'm sure there are others like me that watch your videos. What probably seems like a simple no brainer thing (and not worth mentioning) to an experienced gardener, needs to be spelled out and simplified to a newb.
Thank you, great info in this video


Some hints and trix from my experience;
1. When using cells, try to water from bottom.
2. Research your seeds, some people put them under lights too soon or late, sometimes darkness is better for germination.
3. I use a small oscillating fan a couple hours a day and move it for different angles.
This partially hardens the plants before putting them out side, you should still give them some time outside before transplant for more hardening and less stress.
This is also what makes bottom watering nice, because small cells dry out easily.
4. What I do when Tomatoes and peppers are flowering too soon. Pinch them off daily, don't even give them a chance to form. They look like a small cluster of buds.
5 keep watching MIgardner


Yes please make a PART 2. These are all good reminders, even after years of gardening we have to wait so long every year in Canada to plant so some things are forgotten!, Thankyou


This is the single most practical, fact-filled, and thorough presentation on seed starting I've ever seen. Nice to see someone who's clearly thought this all through.


Great points. Also, I've learned so much from watching indoor cannabis grow videos. Instead of cannabis, I juat grow veggies! My results are off the charts!!!


Yes plz do part 2. I struggle so much with sowing my seeds. Everyone makes it look so easy and I’ve never been Successful. Thank you for all you do.


Luke. You made me look at my grow light and make me really contemplate my life decisions


This video taught me that everything I did last year (first time starting seeds indoors) was completely wrong 🤣 live and learn!


Thank you, Luke. With this video, you just saved me a lot of time, money, stress, and effort. I don't have enough space or light, and I was about to try to start seeds indoors.
I'm still new to gardening, and I have not grown enough of anything to have a meal yet. But I will one day soon.


I would very much like a part
2. Cover watering, fertilizer, right soil, how large the plant should be when you transplant (pick some that you commonly start from seed),


Hmm, I was just celebrating my first seedlings; now I'm wondering if I'm too early in the season. This channel is great! I learn so much here. Thank you


Yes, pls do second video. This is very informative esp for gardeners who is in tropical zones. We keep hearing about indoors but rare on outdoors.
Thank you !!!


Watching this on May 12, 2022. We had two blizzard, the first week this month, and last week of last month, (normal), night freezes, ( normal), this week, flooding/over saturating rains.(normal) We have to start inside, if we want a complete garden. You are 100% on light. Learned the light thing, the hard way, very hard way, years ago. 3 plantings before I figured out I needed more lights. This year, I added 2 tactical lights, and you wouldn't believe how well that worked out. They charge on a cell charger. I still have normal grow lights, I just added them, and it made a huge difference in my leafy veggies. Huge difference. 😁👍🏻


I would love to see a part 2 to this video! Specifically touching bases on watering and fertilizing! Such as bottom watering vs. regular watering and when to fertilize your seedlings and ideas on what to fertilize with.


Zone 5. Started my tomato plants early February last year in a southern facing sunroom…by the time I transplanted them, they were 2 feet tall, with flowers, gangly, and I had moved them 3 times into bigger and bigger buckets. The larger tomato plants (beefsteak) never did grow much of anything. 😔 (but it was a learning experience and I am grateful for the knowledge)


2:33 into it: I feel like only a fellow Michigander would speak the words "and they're going to die!" with such enthusiasm, vigor and HUGE smile. *hello from the other piece, ABOVE the bridge!*


I planned on doing all the bad mistakes. Thank you for this video. Change of plans
