Synthetic Data Generation with LLMs: Egregore and AI

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In this video, I will introduce you to the concept of synthetic data generation with LLMs, which are powerful models that can learn from large amounts of text data and generate natural language texts. I will also talk about the concept of egregore, which is an esoteric concept that describes a non-physical entity that arises from the collective thoughts of a group of people. I will tell you how synthetic data can help you with natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as text classification, natural language understanding, and semantic parsing, and how to generate it with LLMs using two methods: teaching via data (TvD) and prompt engineering (PE). I will give you two case studies of using TvD and PE to generate synthetic data for joint intent classification and slot tagging (IC+ST) and semantic parsing. I will discuss the pros and cons of using LLMs for synthetic data generation, and show you the performance of different models on various benchmarks and languages. I hope you will find this video informative and interesting. 😊

Words can save a life, they can free a soul, and they can bring happiness to one's day, never underestimate the healing power of words. Use them to bring happiness to someone's life, love to someone close to you and use them to educate your mind, use them to write, to speak and to find your peace within. Words heal.

"It is a knowing that I was given. My mind became still. So still, that I was able to see without my eyes. I started to see with
my heart. It was then that I began forgiving. I forgave myself, for not knowing that I was the one, The only one that had ever hurt me my whole life. I could see that I had never been a victim. So, within that instance I was able to collapse time. Somehow,
I was given the gift to time travel in my own life and heal it. This only lasted for a short time.

I am so blessed to have had this happen to me. If this has happened to me it can happen to you or anyone that can hear these words. My Awakening happened the night that I had reached the end of me, I was ready to leave this world. But instead of taking my own life I was given life.

August 17th 2003, I awoke with my mind still, I was able to start living my life knowing there is no time, there is only this present moment, and realized that we become what we say we are."

Spiritual Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N

#Egregore #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #technology #datascience #python #deeplearning #programming #tech #robotics #innovation #bigdata #wellness #health #fitness #holistic #wellness #holistichealth #health #healing #healthylifestyle #holistichealing

Road to the Ironman Triathlon - ONE MILE AT A TIME

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I AM Speaking Life to my Cells & DNA Life is just to funny! I have turned 10 years into a lifetime of fun. See what you can do when you can collapse time. I am becoming younger healthier stronger because I say I am. I speak life to my atoms my cells and to my DNA. I speak that I am becoming that of a 21-year-old Elite Olympic athlete. Specialize in decathlon triathlon. And I'll be darned if my body is cooperating.

By the way you haven't seen nothing yet the next 20 years is going to be a tremendous! I am second intention to run a Ironman Triathlon in the next year and, I intend to be able to run one when I'm 90 years old.

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."

~ Buddha : )

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