Mice and Mystics Chapter 1 - Turn 14

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Hi I'm David Allen and Welcome to the Gamer's Den. This is the fourteenth episode of my video series on Mice and Mystics Chapter 1.

Thanks Kevin Debaeke for leaving comments for Tilda, Collin, and Maginos

This video features Turn 14 Game play and setup of the Tunnel Entrance Tile .

Please feel free to leave a comment about the progress of the characters or any questions you have along the way. YOU are able to control Collin, Maginos, or Tilda. The comment with the most votes will be used in the video.

I will be accepting submissions up until: January 20th

I did all of the animations myself and have a limited knowledge of effects, but it was fun to create.

Follow me on Twitter: @DavidtheAllen.
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hi dave,

i have a move for Nez and Collin.

First Nez should try to attack a minion on his left side. if he cant move enough, then do a search action. on Collins turn, use the give order ability to attack with Nez. and use Collins action to attack a minion on the right side. if one of the minions has moved far enough that is, because Collin has to give up his movement for the give order ability.

Good luck.
