Diablo 4 - How to beat Uber Lilith - In-Depth Mechanics Guide, Tips & Tricks

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#Diablo4 #Lilith #Boss #Guide

After defeating Uber Lilith on my Hardcore Rogue, I figured it's a good time to talk about what I've learned and share my strategies with everyone who is still trying to defeat the encounter. It has tons of interesting mechanics that you need to be aware about to succeed. Good luck with this pinnacle boss!

00:00 Intro
02:40 Basics
04:35 Phase 1 Wave Patterns
11:55 Phase 1 Baiting Waves
14:54 Phase 1 Adds & Boils
19:14 Phase 2 Blood Puddles
24:25 Phase 2 Circle
26:13 Phase 2 Cleave
28:19 Phase 2 Platform Sweeps
34:26 Phase 2 Last Platform


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This is by far the worst encounter I have seen in a while. In your video it looks like the waves would make any sense while in reality you die instantly LONG before they are visible.


I love how he's explaining the waves as if you have longer than half a second to work out where to move to.


Love how the waves perfectly show in the same spot for him every time. I stand in the same spot as him and they spawn behind me giving me no where to run.


Me: dying just from looking in lilith's direction.
Wudijo: it's relatively easy to dodge.


i love the mechanic where beforew the wave even spawns i die from it 5 meters away from it... my fav


After about 200 attempts, I decided to quit. The spike part is something that makes dark soul look like a simple super mario.
GG Blizz! <3
Btw ... great guide m8!


Thanks, convinced me not to waste my time attempting this after my initial 3 tries.


Good job at explaining all the mechanics! For everyone wondering how to dash easily no matter which class you play: equip the Metamorphosis Vampiric Ability and have at least 21% movement speed and +3 Evade charges on your boots (and a movement speed aspect which works for your build). Movement speed is key in dodging the waves successfully.


I just can't do it. I keep dying to those death waves...I can't make sense of what's going on while fighting, it's all so messy on the ground. You have split seconds to figure shit out while worrying about blod blisters and other stuff.


thank you for taking your time to explain with less "fluff" than other streamers. well done! mvp


3 takeaways.

1. Cool guide. Very nicely done.
2. I can’t imagine melee characters can pull this off.
3. It will probably take me 10 years to master this. By then, we’ll have D5 😂.


if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a lilith wave.


Anyone else have her just spawning the middle waves directly ontop of you no matter where you are? Haha


When I play I get those waves where, she shows the pattern and slams immediately after, not even a second delay, do some weird cross formation, she even spawned 4 waves once covering the whole area… not to mention the patterns where the second middle wave is really outside of the circle and the other 2 waves are right at the edge of the circle making it impossible to find a safe spot


Great guide! Man it looks so smooth with the rouge dash, i'm just running around like an idiot with my druid in p2. Suddenly a skull appears out of nowhere and I'm dead


Woop! Just beat Uber Lilith for the first time after probably almost 100 attempts. Thanks for the guide Wudi! <3 It was a HUGE help.


I'd like to see a breakdown per class on the solo kills for Uber Lilith.


Great guide. I read multiple text guides but none of them properly explain the mechanics like you did. Seems like a lot of people are not enjoying this boss because it's very hard. That's fair, but personally I actually enjoy practicing for several hours, especially since its free to try. Just beat phase 1 for the first time which feels good.

Note for anyone watching in Season 4: Uber Lilith has had her numbers changed significantly such that she will no longer instakill you with most mechanics. However the waves, blood boil explosions, edge of arena damage in phase 1, and (probably, haven't got there yet) the fire zone, skulls and cleave in phase 2 will apply a stacking debuff which increases all damage you take. After 3 or 4 stacks you will instantly die to pretty much anything, so it is still essential to avoid those mechanics, but you can afford 1 or 2 mistakes. I hear she is also significantly tankier than she used to be. I highly recommend getting good gear with tier 2 masterwork. I have 30k hp on my rogue and do 3 million per poison proc once stacked but the fight is still very hard solo.


Very late to the party. Only managed to reach level 100 in Season 2. I just beat Lilith and i gotta say. This guide really helped me. Thanks wudijo :)


Great video and analysis. Finally, I took my time to watch it all before the end of season 1. Thanks a lot
