I read Harry Potter series and this is my review | Spoiler free review | For beginners |Libro Review

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Hey guys! Finally, we have the review of the entire Harry Potter series, spoiler-free! If you haven’t read Harry Potter before and debating whether the book is worth your time, this video will be helpful! It is the review if the whole series and each part of Harry Potter too.

Timestamps -
My struggles to make this video - 0:22
Overall review - 2:47
Individual book reviews - 5:55

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Hey Reaction video for Harry potter coming soon 💃🏻 Follow on Instagram for updates! Link to buy the set in description! I love youuuu 😘😘😘


I have “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” as a part of my English Honours syllabus! As a potterhead I am so excited to discover that world again through a mature point of view! Through your video I relived my reactions when I was reading the series for the first time. It was such an emotional roller coaster! I don’t know how you managed to do this amazing job without giving any spoilers, it takes a lot of will power! Thank you for this amazing review! Maybe now I will be able to get my friends hooked in this series also by showing them this video!


Can we please take a moment to appreciate the fact that she re-read everything and made notes just for the sake of this video?!! <3 Well I hope you enjoyed re-reading the Harry Potter series <3 and thankyouuu for this video!! I'll try reading this series too


God, I really appreciate the fact that you haven't included the cursed child here, that thing is not canon😂


Harry Potter series was the series which got me into reading!And I absolutely love it!❤️❤️❤️


The way you hold the books is how close this series is to my heart 😁


I have read 3 books of series!! The fact I have noticed until the 3rd book is that, the beginning of the book feels draggy and not so Interesting B..U..T.. at the ending part it will be so gripping with unexpected plot twists !!
At whole it's just amazing experience of reading this book which everyone one must try even though they are non fantasy readers as I was before!


I love your enthusiasm and how it captures my own—seriously— reading the HP series at 31 and I am truly in love with these books it is unbelievable what a brilliant writer she is. Pure genius❤🎉


I was waiting when you'll post this. Unboxing harry potter box set is my favorite video of yours. I have downloaded it and I always watch it when I feel low, i take out my box set out of my bookshelf, watch it keeping the box next to my phone or laptop, and bam! all my sadness goes away. I get super ecststic. Thank you so much for making both these videos.💕


OK SO With every other bibliophile being crazy about this series, I never felt like reading Harry Potter during my entire reading journey yet! But this video really did tempt me to read it!


You did justice reviewing Harry Potter. I love the series and I am obsessed with it and you explained the emotions really well. I could feel you, I was feeling nostalgic even though there were no spoilers. Great Job. <3 Stay Blessed and motivated.


I was waiting since monthsss😭❤️ my wait was worth it❤️ you r so so so good!


The amount of efforts she puts to us to make us realize how beautiful the world of books is always so adorable! I really appreciate you and you deserve a lot of more subscribers! Please continue to make videos like this because whenever I need books I would always search you up because recently I discovered you and each of your videos teaches me a lot and would be really helpful as well! I am trying to find other booktubers like you but it has been really tough for me to find one!! you are the only one because of whom I have been even more addicted to books. Whenever I don't feel like doing anything, I would always watch your videos. The amount of positivity that you share with us is something which I can never get from anyone else. your voice + vocabulary is always a chief's kiss! I fear that you give up someday :( pls don't !!! or else I wouldn't be as much engaged with books like rn! I can write a whole page appreciating your efforts! I am always with you and even if nobody views you then you need to know that I'm and including some of your other fans would be always there to watch you! don't you think that nobody likes your content. This world is not into books but in the digital world! they won't understand the precious teaching which can be read by a book. I really like physical copies rather than the digital ones!!! at last again I am telling you that stop giving up!! I can't express in words how much it means to me whenever you upload a video! the teen section is really really good as well as helpful!!!! I would be forever grateful ! Please make a video where you share with us how to easily identify pirated books when you buy it online and some of the unpopular books that we must read (it can be fiction, nonfiction, romance, thriller, or even self-help) and also share a video with us if possible about books which are in your unfavorite list!!! and would be even more helpful if you mention the reason why ur unfavorite book is not good for beginners as well! If you read till here then I really thank you for taking out your time to read this comment!! As a 12 year old, I am obsessed with you bbg <3 💕💕🎀🎀🌷🌷😂😂❤❤💋💋💌💌


I am loving your reviews. Your thoughts were the same when I read Harry Potter. Pls do more series reviews. I am feeling like re reading Harry Potter after seeing your review


Finally it's here! Loved this review as always😘😘. And yes when the series (unfortunately) ends it takes away the magical world that was built around the reader. It is so satisfying to read it but also so sad to not be a part of Hogwarts, like in real life, 🥺🥺🥺ngl I secretly wish that some day I'll get a Hogwarts letter myself.🥺😅 (PS- I'm not a teenager tho.)


That's a fantastic review👌 My 7 year old daughter is a great fan of Harry potter so far she completed 4 books waiting for the next 😄 and the illustrated versions are really amazing😍


your explanation! Im 10X more excited to read the whole series now 🎀🪄


After watching this video it felt like I was discussing the HP series with a friend!❤️❤️❤️ Can’t wait for the spoiler video!😍🥺


Finally it's here🥺🥺😍😍😍🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳Most Awaited One❤️✨


Was waiting for this video for so long 😍❤
