Rethinking Org Diversity, Equity & Inclusion- A Step by Step Guide for Facilitating Effective Change

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Rethinking Org Diversity, Equity & Inclusion- A Step by Step Guide for Facilitating Effective Change

This is the only DEI book and video that you will need! This book is an excellent book full of tools to transform your organization!

Poorly implemented diversity programs have damaging effects on the organization and the very individuals these programs attempt to help. Poorly implemented programs can cause peers and subordinates to question decisions and lose faith in leadership. In addition, it can cause even the most confident individuals to doubt their own skill set and qualifications. Many organizations have turned to training to help solve this complex issue.

This book outlines how properly conducting an OD change initiative can effectively increase an organization's diversity and inclusion - it is grounded in research-based literature on diversity, equity, inclusion, and multiculturalism in modern organizations. Only through such efforts can organizations thrive in a networked world where much work is done virtually - and often across borders. But a common scenario is that leaders, recognizing the need for a diversity program, will pick someone from the organization to launch it. Perhaps the person identified for this challenge is in the HR department but has had no experience in launching diversity efforts - or even in managing large-scale, long-term, organization-wide change efforts. But these are the challenges to be faced. This book quickly identifies some reasons why diversity programs fail and how to avoid those failures. The majority of the book highlights how to use OD to improve organizational culture and processes to not only increase diversity, equity, and inclusion but develop overall organizational talent and prevent personal preferences and biases from hindering the selection of the best talent for positions.

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After viewing this video, what are you going to implement today?


I am receiving pushback from some on the use of the word "Equity." This book defines Equity as "fairness in policies, procedures, and practices. The organizational goal is (typically) to ensure equal access to the programs, services, support, and opportunities appropriate to a constituency, role, or work."
I used to use the word equality instead of equity, but, according to this definition, I ascribe to the use of both words... What do you think about this?
