Sensorless Homing, eliminate microswitches with Voron, 3d printer, Klipper, stepper motors & more
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Increase your 3d printer's reliability and durability with these step by step instructions that show how to use Sensorless homing to eliminate microswitch endstops when using stallguard via tmc2209 and other TMC stepper motor drivers. Eliminate microswitches and their associated wiring. Your stepper motors become endstops. This works with Voron, Creality, Prussa or any printer that is running Klipper. This includes details about a homing macro as well.
Note! Please check the datasheet of your drivers to be sure Stallguard is supported. Not all TMC drivers have the ability. TMC2208 drivers don't have this ability!
URL's referenced in the video:
CFG files:
Note! Please check the datasheet of your drivers to be sure Stallguard is supported. Not all TMC drivers have the ability. TMC2208 drivers don't have this ability!
URL's referenced in the video:
CFG files:
Sensorless Homing, eliminate microswitches with Voron, 3d printer, Klipper, stepper motors & mor...
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