10 Things Sigma Males Always Notice About Women

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10 Things Sigma Males Always Notice About Women. If you know the sigma male traits and sigma mindset, you'll find out that they notice some things about women.

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Sigma males are not the most emotional men on earth, but they always notice what women do. They are great at reading people and seeing what makes them tick. They can read women like a book and see what women want, better than women do. This is why sigma men always make the best boyfriends and husbands.

Sigma males are smarter than other men. But all of this intelligence usually means that sigma males are analytical about everything in life, not just women's emotions.

They are deep thinkers, analyzing everything around them. Even when they are not around other people, you can bet that a sigma male is thinking about something.

Sigma males are good at figuring out people. It's hard to surprise a sigma male, because they can usually see what is going on in your head before knowing it yourself.

Women always like to be around sigma men, but many women do not understand them. Their mysterious and introverted personality can drive women crazy.

Sigma males know that there is a lot of BS in the dating world, and they love to see people's true colors shine through. They rarely take anyone seriously until they prove themselves worthy of respect.

Most men fall for a woman's tricks, but sigma men see right through them.
Sigma males can smell a fake from miles away, and they hate dishonesty. They want the truth, no matter how ugly it may be.

#sigmamale #sigma #wisethinker
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These things, in essence, are about falsehoods. We do not tolerate falsehood. My attitude is, “Lying is for losers!”

A line in a story says, ‘Women told me, “If you take a man with the intention of turning him into something else, the result is
always bad.” ’ Got it in one!


Honestly, these videos make me question if I'm sigma more and more. I literally go to the gym to clear my head and stress from work, then go home and game for hours to keep my mind from thinking or have something in front of me to pre-occupy my mind... Because if I just sit there, all I do is think about anything and everything possible.


Dated a narcissist for a year. Watch for red flag's and ghost out of there.


Funny how this is so accurate, is a game all or nothing !😁
All about life is a matter of choice !
Thank you 🙂


I didn't know I was a sigma until your childhood video thank you


I am genuine man and I love genuine people. 🇯🇲


I do wonder if women actually know this man trait or not? I doubt they do. Had a girl try to make me jealous by talking to another guy or multiples. I wanted her to be herself around me even if she had a huge crush and on top of that she is my supervisor. Long story I rejected her. Any women reading this and SPREAD IT LIKE WILD FIRE. Sigmas DONT PLAY GAMES! As soon as you notice he isn't budging. BE YOURSELF!


All these points say pretty much the same thing: Sigmas hate fakery. We don't fake it and we won't take it. My best realization was that a pretty face doesn't make a pretty heart. It comes from within. Nobody can completely hide any fakery.


I love this video .. Enlarge my diapason


You can't cage a sigma- but some will always try


Anyone else watch these and feel less unique somehow?


Sigma males cheesed the whole entire intro of this video because they finally found someone who totally gets them lol


It seems to me Sigma males are like Zodiac Cancer in terms of intuitive sense.


Sound's Bout Right, But were do Ya Find a Sigma Gal? Do They Even Exist, Anymore? Maybe a Sigma Date'in Site. Yeah Right.


im very selective, and i tell women, i want honesty, anything else is just fake, and im out.


How do you about me ok sorry i mean how do you about all this think yes nature yes i accept this .i never flirt with any woman any person if we do this thing i mean telling lies we never get true love or loving heart. In My nature i want to see there happiness and knowledge to them or her .i am not selfish i want give happiness i want see i see lots of fill alone and sad ok nothing please live me


First meeting the man called me slow the second said I was a child you are the third redeem yourself because I actually like you or I am going back to the subliminal world in the spotlight


Being the kind of person that will own their mistakes is something everyone should do sigma or not


i walked into a doughnut place asked the pretty lady at the counter, they all look good i can't choose, what would you recomend? She said double chocolate, i asked what's your 2nd choice, she said the strawberry cream, i said if you had to choose a 3rd choice what would it be? She laughed, said um.... coconut cream, I said that sounds good, i'll take that one. She said ok, packed it up. At the cash i noticed her name on her name tag, i paid her and said thank you amanda, she looked at me startled....how do you know my name? I said you look like a amanda...plus it's on your name tag... she looks at it then says oh, ya, i forgot about that, have a nice day, you too amanda. Was that confident way of talking to her, did i make her uncomfortable by saying her name asking her for 3 choices of doughtnut flavours she recommended?
