In Loving Memory of our precious Peanut

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To all of our Fitness Friends,

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to share that we had to say goodbye to our beloved Peanut last week. She was our little angel, and we were so blessed to have her with us for so many years (she would have been 11 next month).

Peanut loved being a part of all of this (well, sometimes :) and I am so grateful to her for putting up with the countless hours of workouts and videos that she patiently participated (ok, mostly slept!) in. Thank you all for allowing us into your hearts and homes for all of these years. It has been such a pleasure to be able to share some of the joy, light and laughter that Peanut brought to us with all of you.

Peanut, you will be loved and cherished always. Thank you for allowing us to be your family during your journey here. We love you and miss you so very much.

- Jessica
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Thank you everyone for all of your beautiful messages and kind wishes. I'm still so devastated over the loss of our precious little angel, but it makes me so happy to see just how many of you got to experience some of the light and joy that she brought into our lives. From the bottom of my heart, thank you <3


This is one of those stop-you-in-your-tracks moments for those of us familiar with Peanut 🥺
I am so very sorry for your loss! You have a community mourning with you ❤🙏


“What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose; all that we love deeply, become a part of us.” —Helen Keller Peanut brought so much joy, my heart goes out to you for having to say goodbye 🕊💚


I am so sorry for your loss. Peanut never failed to bring a smile to my face. When my husband joined me for workouts, he would often say "I'm following Peanut!"


For all of us who work out with you and Peanut every day, she’s like a part of our family too. I can’t imagine not having her sleep through one of our workouts. Jessica, you are so sweet and such a class act, I feel so badly for you and sending you all my prayers and love 🙏🏼❤️


Oh Jessica, this hurts my heart. I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is never easy. It truly is like losing a family member; they are family. Peanut is watching you continue on. I loved her demeanor and loved seeing her in your videos. Praying for you and your family.


I’m so sorry for your loss, Jessica. Peanut never failed to make me smile while doing one of your workouts. RIP Peanut. You will truly be missed.


Their little lives are just never long enough. She was so adorable, and obviously much loved, and I'm sorry she is gone. May the memories of her bring you peace.


I'm so sorry Jessica. We are all crying with you.


Little Peanut gave me so many smiles and giggles over the years of doing your workouts! She will be sorely missed. Rest well, little bean ❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry, Jessica. Peanut was a great sidekick, and I've always enjoyed her cute little self in your videos and the funny word bubbles you've put over her head in them. Rest in peace, Peanut. Doggie heaven got another shining star 🌟 🤗


Your message brought tears. Peanut always made me smile and often laugh while working out with you. Such a sweetheart. Anyone who has loved and had to say goodbye to a pet shares in your grief, I know I do. Even after so many loved and lost, it still doesn't get easier. Now Peanut is in the arms of Jesus who will take good care of her. But my heart aches for you and your family who loved her.


I'm so sorry! Peanut is the reason I fell in love with your channel. So relatable to have a pet around while working out. I looked forward to every video. I will continue to workout with my favorite videos and think of that precious pup. Thanks Peanut for helping to keep me motivated on my weight loss journey 💙💙💙


I'm sorry for your loss. 😢 I know how it feels. Heaven has dogs. 🐶❤️


I am in tears watching this. I have been through it and know just how heavy your heart is. Peanut brought so many smiles to us, your fans of both of you. Thank you for sharing her with us. Sending you Peace. Sending Peanut safe travels across The Rainbow Bridge. She will be greatly missed.


I'm so very, very sorry, Jessica. How our fur babies expand our hearts, teaching us to love more than we ever thought we could. And they make it so easy for us to do so. 💕


No words can express the loss of our fur babies. Sending prayers and love to follow her across the Rainbow Bridge.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Always loved seeing little Peanut while working out with you. ❤️💖❤️


Jessica I am so sorry for your loss. Peanut seemed to truly be a girl’s best friend. I began doing your workout videos during the pandemic and always looked forward to seeing little Peanut. Such a sweetie. RIP Peanut.


Peanut was a big part of my workouts. She taught me to be Zen and not to worry about the small stuff. As long as you have your daily needs covered, you need not to worry.
