Dapol GWR Streamlined Railcar. Opening 🔧 Servicing and fitting crew and passengers

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The superb Dapol GWR Streamlined Railcar that arrived with me in 2017 was in need of a service and lubrication. In this video I'll show you how to open and access the inner workings. Don't worry its quite simple. After the service I'll add drivers and passengers to complete the picture and give the model a test run on the railway. Don't miss out.


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Very nicely done. A great improvement with driver and passengers. During the war my grandma thought it would be fun to go to Dorchester by train. We caught the train from Bridport to Maiden Newton, expecting to change to a Paddington to Weymouth train. Instead, sailing down the line was one of those railcars with a lady guard who slid the door back for us to get in. Rather a disappointment when I was expecting a steam train, but we had a lovely smooth ride to Dorchester and, of course, we could see the driver and the line ahead.

One driver used to put his labrador in the driving seat when approaching a station and crouch down out of sight and work the brake. It worked a treat until one day when the District Inspector was on the platform, I think at Worcester. He was not amused.


Lovely Job, Adding the passengers is like bringing it to life - Nice Smooth Runner too - thanks for sharin 👍🏻✨


Well done Mike ! Now it looks like a real 'flying banana'. Cheers, Filip


I have one of these railcard and passengers are on the to do list. This is very helpful.


Cheers Mike, mine needs a service so nice timing.
I have a challenge fpr you if you have any old Airfix GWR Autocoaches in chocolate and cream; Buy 2 or 3 Sharpie double ended ultra fine red permanent markers, pull autocoaches to bits, give the body shell a thorough wash, rinse, dry then use the pens to colour all droplight frames, wait a day and colour them again.. The result is incredible for a few quid. Fit drivers? they go on the right.
I have 6 auto coaches fitted one either end of 3 different Auto train class locos, I paid about a tenner per coach, that's 3 real trains on the cheap.
And here is another idea if you have EFE gated stock in BR red or green. Put one or both coaches behind a Terrier in BR black and you have The Lee on the Solent train. You can do Southern with Terrier only with ultra rare Malachite Green Gated Stock. Keep up the good work. Pics are on Disused Stations website


Thanks, Mike. This is a good look at the early model GWR railcar with curved fenders. I've wanted one for a while, but shipping costs to the US escalated to impractical heights before I ordered one and ended any additions to my rolling stock. Oh well, I've got enough, already.


Useful insight, although I opted for the Heljan razor edge railcar, as I preferred the slightly more aggressive look. I must get around to populating mine when it is serviced. Keep up the good, informative videos.


Get how to video.Thanks to you I have discovered a new use of old credit cards. You model both Southern and GWR and British Rail? Bill from California😊


I think the Kernow steam railcar should be out soon If you're feeling indulgent Mike lol.


I'm not really a fan of diesels, but interesting video Mike :)

Cheers Jasper & Willow


I don't think you get enough credit as a modeller. Fitting passengers and a driver is great, but going for proper period passengers is that extra step. It would be easy to fill it with Chinese Ho 100 for 50p specials, but those figures stand out. Same with the locomotive crews in all the loco's. You know I hold your fathers models and techniques in high regard but I see that same skill and attention to detail in what you do. Doesn't matter if its an expensive railcar, tanker solebar or laser cut vegetable crate. So yea, just for the record the torch has been passed.
