Rise and Shine

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This video was requested recently by a fan of Dr. Jean. Let us know if you have a favorite Dr. Jean song we might convert to a YouTube video.
Dr. Jean has more than 400 songs on iTunes and Amazon. Here is a link to the CD All Day Long which contains the Rise and Shine song along with many other Dr. Jean favorites.
How much fun can you have singing songs and moving with the music? Give it a try and find out.
Learning that involves repetition and rhythm may help improve literacy, too.
Dr. Jean also sings, "The Banana Dance," a popular YouTube song about avocados, oranges and guacamole.
Has anyone ever told you that you “can’t sing”? I’ve been told that myself many times. That’s the great thing about children. They don’t know you can’t sing if you put a smile on your face and act enthusiastic.
Parents, teachers and pre-school, Kindergarten and first grade youngsters will all enjoy school more and likely improve learning when music is part of the classroom environment.
Someone once reminded me that “a gift from the heart is always received by the heart.” We may not all be rock stars or be able to play an instrument, but we can share the magic and joy of music in our classrooms every day. And with all the academic pressure, music is clearly the “spoonful of sugar” to help the medicine go down.
Tooty Ta is another favorite among Dr. Jean's fans, but she has many popular songs on her 17 CD's and 2 DVD's.
Kids, parents and teachers could improve learning by singing every day in class and at home.
Here are the top ten reasons to SING every day!
1. When you sing your brain emits endorphins, and endorphins make you happy! Emotions are critical to learning.
2. Music is multi-sensory. The more senses you get going to the brain, the more likely the message will get there.
3. Music is powerful for prior-learning. If children are exposed to concepts while singing, it is easier for them to learn when formally introduced.
4. Music nurtures phonemic awareness (alliteration, rhyme, etc.).
5. Songs and chants are a natural way to develop oral language and auditory memory.
6. Poems and songs lay a foundation for fluency and enhance short term memory.
7. Children are able to use their imaginations and create pictures in their brains when they sing. This is an important part of reading comprehension.
8. Repetition is a key to learning. It is much more fun to repeat songs than worksheets!
9. Singing and dancing relieve stress and oxygenate the brain.
10. Through music and movement ALL children can feel successful. A “community of learners” is enhanced when teachers and children enjoy something together!
There was a study that was reported on National Public Radio called “Alive Inside.” In the research study they made iPods of songs that had a special significance to patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. These patients didn’t recognize family members, but when they heard the music they tapped their feet, sang the words, and smiled! So many things that we do in our classrooms will be forgotten, but the songs will be stored in children’s brains for a lifetime! What a privilege to be able to do this!
Dr. Jean has more than 400 songs on iTunes and Amazon. Here is a link to the CD All Day Long which contains the Rise and Shine song along with many other Dr. Jean favorites.
How much fun can you have singing songs and moving with the music? Give it a try and find out.
Learning that involves repetition and rhythm may help improve literacy, too.
Dr. Jean also sings, "The Banana Dance," a popular YouTube song about avocados, oranges and guacamole.
Has anyone ever told you that you “can’t sing”? I’ve been told that myself many times. That’s the great thing about children. They don’t know you can’t sing if you put a smile on your face and act enthusiastic.
Parents, teachers and pre-school, Kindergarten and first grade youngsters will all enjoy school more and likely improve learning when music is part of the classroom environment.
Someone once reminded me that “a gift from the heart is always received by the heart.” We may not all be rock stars or be able to play an instrument, but we can share the magic and joy of music in our classrooms every day. And with all the academic pressure, music is clearly the “spoonful of sugar” to help the medicine go down.
Tooty Ta is another favorite among Dr. Jean's fans, but she has many popular songs on her 17 CD's and 2 DVD's.
Kids, parents and teachers could improve learning by singing every day in class and at home.
Here are the top ten reasons to SING every day!
1. When you sing your brain emits endorphins, and endorphins make you happy! Emotions are critical to learning.
2. Music is multi-sensory. The more senses you get going to the brain, the more likely the message will get there.
3. Music is powerful for prior-learning. If children are exposed to concepts while singing, it is easier for them to learn when formally introduced.
4. Music nurtures phonemic awareness (alliteration, rhyme, etc.).
5. Songs and chants are a natural way to develop oral language and auditory memory.
6. Poems and songs lay a foundation for fluency and enhance short term memory.
7. Children are able to use their imaginations and create pictures in their brains when they sing. This is an important part of reading comprehension.
8. Repetition is a key to learning. It is much more fun to repeat songs than worksheets!
9. Singing and dancing relieve stress and oxygenate the brain.
10. Through music and movement ALL children can feel successful. A “community of learners” is enhanced when teachers and children enjoy something together!
There was a study that was reported on National Public Radio called “Alive Inside.” In the research study they made iPods of songs that had a special significance to patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. These patients didn’t recognize family members, but when they heard the music they tapped their feet, sang the words, and smiled! So many things that we do in our classrooms will be forgotten, but the songs will be stored in children’s brains for a lifetime! What a privilege to be able to do this!