What is the Nature of The Kingdom of God & Kingdom of Heaven? LIVE Q&A, Sept. 14, 2023

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On this Thursday's live Q&A, the lead question from @TR31K asks, “When Christ refers to “Kingdom of Heaven” “Kingdom of God” in Matthew 5 & Luke 17:21, is He referring to a future kingdom on earth, or a figurative meaning? How do I know when to interpret these literally?"
...Then, it's on the questions you send us in the live chat!
💬 Join Pastor David Guzik every Thursday for a new Q&A Live Stream right here on YouTube!
(12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC)
Links and resources addressed in this stream:
📒 Dedication Through Fasting and Prayer - Nils Erik Bergstrom
📱 Download the Enduring Word app for free today!
📘 "Standing in Grace" by David Guzik – Print, New Edition
See the pinned comment for more links!
Channel and Ministries recommended by Pastor David (1:02:19):
Mike Winger @MikeWinger
Damian Kyle @calvarychapelmodesto
Sandy Adams @CalvaryCSM
Steven Armstrong - Verse By Verse @vbvst
Dominic Dinger @threeandonewithpastordomin9486
This new tract Jesus At The Center is linked via Enduring Word and is available at this website:
This week's questions and timestamps:
0:00 Stream Starts
1:50 Lead Question
22:45 We read about prayer and fasting both in the OT and NT. What is the spiritual significance of fasting, and how do they (prayer and fasting) work together? (📒 See Link Above)
26:26 What is your definition of the word Cult? What criteria must be met in order to be a cult? Do you believe that the Seventh Day Adventist church is a cult? Why or why not, in your view?
30:45 I would like your view on 1 Timothy 3. What are the various offices outlined, and how do they translate to today's church? Is there an office in the church hierarchy that’s appropriate for a woman to hold?
38:30 My Pastor said we DON'T need to confess our sins because they are ALL forgiven--- is this true? I think this is dangerous to say.
43:15 James (1 verse 13) says God can't be tempted, and Matthew (4 verse 1) says Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tempted. Help!
44:49 John 3:16 says "should have everlasting life" instead of "will have". I am thinking "will" (was stated) because "should" seems not sure (uncertain). What are your thoughts?
47:07 Should we be able to call out the Church for not living by scripture? In other words, having the ability to help, Not just say "I'll pray for you." Could unwillingness to do this be a Sin of commission, or would that be Omission?
50:48 Hello from Sweden! At what exact moment does our soul go directly to eternity? Is it when we take our last breath, when the heart stops beating or when the brain stops working?
52:11 Hello Pastor David. ☺Is there a reference in the Bible to each person having a guardian Angel? Thank you!
53:05 When a pregnancy ends very early on day 12 weeks, is it correct to say that the child is in heaven? I don’t know why, but for some reason I have difficulty answering that question.
56:00 I’ve always wondered what became of Barabbas? I know the Bible doesn’t discuss him after he was released, could he perhaps have gotten saved before he died?
56:45 1 Corinthians 14 verse 34 say “for women are not to speak in the church.” Isn't this speaking to the church in Corinth, such that it isn't meant to be read literally by us these days?
58:30 Pastor David, could you please explain Mark 16 v18? I know many churches in the South use snake handling as part of their worship, was this message/provision only for people back in biblical times?
1:00:14 To your knowledge, is the last part of Mark 16 (The Great Commission / Christ Ascends to God’s Right Hand) a part of the original writing or manuscripts, or was it included after the earliest texts of Mark had been written? I have heard some say that it was added after Paul's missions took place, because many of those things happened to him (Paul).
1:02:19 How do we find Godly and true teaching online (apart from Enduring Word)? There are so many preachers, teachers and websites!
1:04:16 Hi, I’m watching from Miami, Florida. Can you recommend a study guide or book to help me evangelize to my family and friends?
1:05:00 Hi Pastor David, was there any significance between the 12 baskets and 7 baskets with the feeding of the 5000 and then the feeding of the 4000 - thank you from the Gold Coast Australia
#biblestudy #christian #faith
...Then, it's on the questions you send us in the live chat!
💬 Join Pastor David Guzik every Thursday for a new Q&A Live Stream right here on YouTube!
(12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC)
Links and resources addressed in this stream:
📒 Dedication Through Fasting and Prayer - Nils Erik Bergstrom
📱 Download the Enduring Word app for free today!
📘 "Standing in Grace" by David Guzik – Print, New Edition
See the pinned comment for more links!
Channel and Ministries recommended by Pastor David (1:02:19):
Mike Winger @MikeWinger
Damian Kyle @calvarychapelmodesto
Sandy Adams @CalvaryCSM
Steven Armstrong - Verse By Verse @vbvst
Dominic Dinger @threeandonewithpastordomin9486
This new tract Jesus At The Center is linked via Enduring Word and is available at this website:
This week's questions and timestamps:
0:00 Stream Starts
1:50 Lead Question
22:45 We read about prayer and fasting both in the OT and NT. What is the spiritual significance of fasting, and how do they (prayer and fasting) work together? (📒 See Link Above)
26:26 What is your definition of the word Cult? What criteria must be met in order to be a cult? Do you believe that the Seventh Day Adventist church is a cult? Why or why not, in your view?
30:45 I would like your view on 1 Timothy 3. What are the various offices outlined, and how do they translate to today's church? Is there an office in the church hierarchy that’s appropriate for a woman to hold?
38:30 My Pastor said we DON'T need to confess our sins because they are ALL forgiven--- is this true? I think this is dangerous to say.
43:15 James (1 verse 13) says God can't be tempted, and Matthew (4 verse 1) says Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tempted. Help!
44:49 John 3:16 says "should have everlasting life" instead of "will have". I am thinking "will" (was stated) because "should" seems not sure (uncertain). What are your thoughts?
47:07 Should we be able to call out the Church for not living by scripture? In other words, having the ability to help, Not just say "I'll pray for you." Could unwillingness to do this be a Sin of commission, or would that be Omission?
50:48 Hello from Sweden! At what exact moment does our soul go directly to eternity? Is it when we take our last breath, when the heart stops beating or when the brain stops working?
52:11 Hello Pastor David. ☺Is there a reference in the Bible to each person having a guardian Angel? Thank you!
53:05 When a pregnancy ends very early on day 12 weeks, is it correct to say that the child is in heaven? I don’t know why, but for some reason I have difficulty answering that question.
56:00 I’ve always wondered what became of Barabbas? I know the Bible doesn’t discuss him after he was released, could he perhaps have gotten saved before he died?
56:45 1 Corinthians 14 verse 34 say “for women are not to speak in the church.” Isn't this speaking to the church in Corinth, such that it isn't meant to be read literally by us these days?
58:30 Pastor David, could you please explain Mark 16 v18? I know many churches in the South use snake handling as part of their worship, was this message/provision only for people back in biblical times?
1:00:14 To your knowledge, is the last part of Mark 16 (The Great Commission / Christ Ascends to God’s Right Hand) a part of the original writing or manuscripts, or was it included after the earliest texts of Mark had been written? I have heard some say that it was added after Paul's missions took place, because many of those things happened to him (Paul).
1:02:19 How do we find Godly and true teaching online (apart from Enduring Word)? There are so many preachers, teachers and websites!
1:04:16 Hi, I’m watching from Miami, Florida. Can you recommend a study guide or book to help me evangelize to my family and friends?
1:05:00 Hi Pastor David, was there any significance between the 12 baskets and 7 baskets with the feeding of the 5000 and then the feeding of the 4000 - thank you from the Gold Coast Australia
#biblestudy #christian #faith