High Neighborhood AC Magnetic EMF and NO overhead power lines?!

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Generally when I do home inspections, I identify many things the homeowner can do inside their home to reduce EMF exposure and improve health.
Unfortunately, sometimes there are external factors that can't be reasonably remediated. That was the case for this home, where improperly wired street lamps were creating an elevated AC magnetic field 10-20x higher than what Building Biology considers safe. Since this field was so strong, it also extends out hundreds of feet in all directions through the neighborhood. Even worse, this type of EMF easily cuts through modern building materials, including all the homes and yards along this street.
On one hand, I feel discouraged after finding this issue because experience tells me that trying to get the city or utility to take action on this is next to impossible. But on the other hand, I'm glad that I can make the owner aware of this problem. As AC magnetic fields are linked to cancers like leukemia, now they can take action to find different housing and potentially avoid a cancer diagnosis for someone in their family down the road. The two children in this home were already having a lot of sleep issues.
So the lesson here that I want to share is to not assume that your neighborhood is free from environmental toxins like EMF. Having a home inspection done by a qualified Building Biologist will reveal the issues around you, and help you understand what can, and can't, be fixed.
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Was the AC magnetic EMF present in the home too? Thank you for this video! 🙏
