LISA Pathfinder mission

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LISA Pathfinder’s name (Laser Interferometry Space Antenna) clearly indicates the role of precursor that this mission plays. Its goal is for preparing the technology to test gravitational-wave detection in space. This will open new doors for our understanding of the universe. LISA Pathfinder will be launched before the end of the year on a Vega from Kourou in French Guiana. This video shows LISA Pathfinder in preparation near Munich in Germany.
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Proud to have given my small contribution to this mission!


Did I hear a Star Wars reference int he form of "a galaxy far, far away"?


Well spent Money! I really mean it, this is what humanity needs to advance.


Nice job! Is this paul mcnamara a nephew of THAT McNamara?


Oh they are actually doing this mission? Cool! I thought it was one of those theoretical missions.


Do you really expect to find a Gravity transmission wave ? If these Gravity waves are true, one can possibly create a machine that can produce larger or lower gravity than its own mass. And transmit that gravity from one place to another, like radio waves. Analog to reciveing a 4 ton package with no content, or a cubic meter of Iron with no wheight ! It sounds very unlikely, and good luck with that . In my understanding Gravity is like magnetism or temprature, it is locked to the "hardware" or atoms, the EM-waves needs to interact with particles to become what their names depict, Static, Magnetic or Temperated. A lightwave in space is neither hot, cold, magnetic nor even visible before creating vibration or interaction with an atom. Each atom respond indevidually corresponding to its own atomic geometry (position in the periodic table) and would be an "Atomic Interface" ( does the atom act as a conductor or an insulator ... ) ? Electromagnetic waves can thus by atomic interaction produce heat and magntism by IR (infrared) and Radio (wireless), inducing Heat and magnetic action in a reception coil (antenna) in the form of circulation Amperes under a potential differeance of Volt in the reception atom ( or coil resonant to carrier wave) . Back to Gravity waves . Only a stray atom can bounce the gravity sensors. not a wave . However a question on your terms. would a gravity wave have a certain frequency, or a range of frequncies like the Electromagnetic wave spectrum ? Does the gravity have a "pulsing wave", in your opinion ? In my opinion instead of using the metric spacetime as time * X*Y*Z. one needs to count atoms. and count the proton and neutron cores. these contribute to gravity. that is Particles per cubic meter * time (or velocity, motion per time unit). why do you think Henry Cavendish used Lead in his gravity experiments and not wood ?


I wish they would stop calling them waves, they clearly aren't waves.
