We are energy***** Energy experiments***432HZ****Rice experiment

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Hi Guys,
Hopefully this video was useful to someone out there, even though I may go off topic at times :)
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It's also written in the Bible, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, ..."
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭


I did my own water study at home last year, a friend of mine told me you can do the same study as Emoto with instant visual results. I was shocked, SHOCKED. 2 glasses of tap water (which are low frequency to begin with) you can even put them side by side, I had them 4 inches appart. You focus your mind on all things good, you can say it outloud, but don't have too. You hold a pendelum above both waters before you begin, you'll find neither waters generate movement of the pendulum, neither moved for me. I "blessed" with good thoughts 1 of the glasses, for only about a minute, holding the outside of that glass. I put the pendelum back over it and it did circles around the whole top of the glass, I did the other water again (the non-blessed glass) and the pendulum was still, back to the blessed water, swirled around and around. This was life changing for me. I insisted another person try it (a skeptic to say the least) and the same result! We are way more then we know. And... as a side note, my thoughts were of things of beauty, love, our old sun, nature, etc. I did not* say or think things like a traditional prayer "God bless this water" I think if you try it you'll be amazed. We are filled with water, our Earth is too. We need to resonate in Love, 💙I believe that is litterally the key to everything we want to change for the better~ would love to hear if anyone else tries this~~~🌱


Thank you for your wonderfull video. You are right on all the subjects. I research it few years in nor now and it all make sense. You video will open people mind ( it make my eyes tears) and their soul. We all effect each othet with energy and sounds/frequency. We create our reality. Continue your wonderfull work and never give up. Compassion, Honor and Equality to all. Greatest regards and love, Namaste.


Great video..i love the information. Thank you


have been creating sparks and current for the last 7 months thru meditation, outside of my body.
thanks for the video!


I heard the universe is made of mind itself


I've looked into the ice crystals, hertz, and the rice experience and it's all very interesting stuff. I do believe it's all true, pretty amazing when you think about it. Great video


Absolutely, the more you wake up the more realise how the energy works. I cannot be around negative people, or angry people (including family members) they seem to deflect any positive vibes I'm sending out. Over the last 12 months I've removed myself from Facebook etc, as the more I thought about it, the more I realised that it blinds you, and blinkers you and ultimately makes you miss whats actually important and going on in front of your eyes. There is a massive awakening right now, and it saddens me to walk down the street and see people staring into their phones, sitting in a social environment (bar/restaurant etc) and seeing the same thing. We are being deceived and blinkered, wake up people.

PS. The Ghostbusters knew about energy effecting things (pink goo in the sewers) and we all know it's a Premier Inn ;-)


yes we do and yes it is quantified too.


I read and viewed online years ago some studies about ice crystals. They put water next to speakers and each speaker said either "bad" things or "loving" things. The crystals next to the "bad" speakers were seriously deformed, it was scary looking. The loving speakers produced lovely ice crystals.


The 'draining' effect is a little bit outlined in the 'quirky' movie called 'Frequency' however the 'draining' is as a result of the difference between your freq. and yes as the 'density' is lower it causes you to use more energy. good points.


I believe it's 528 hz, but I've heard both. Look up the following...
-Tuning The Human Bio-field
-The Secret Of Vibration
-Wayne Steiger: Frequency Can Heal


speaking of energy that whole hotel thing is kinda how i feel about the background strange


Like the phrase, "Woken up".. just say; "I became aware of". things being this way or that. Tarrin Lupo put out some "frequency" videos lately, check them out when you get a chance. Interesting concepts?


The cosmic intelligence who is making the alterations in our reality has contacted us. You can read all of his messages that he is sending us through the random shuffle option on the pandora music app on our open facebook group. I ask a question silently, in my own mind, then I hit shuffle and he communicates with us by sending us the song message that is the best answer to our question. If you have a question you would like me to ask this cosmic intelligence, I would be more than happy to ask it on your behalf and screenshot the song answer so you can see what the response is. Just type in Pandora's Music Box on facebook and you can find us easy enough. Keep up the great work you're doing. I really get a lot of of watching your videos. :)


Check out Crrow777 channel. He speaks about musical frequency and the scamming of all of us.


I asked if you had a job which i was hoping you would address


no, we are not energy. that's bs
