Climate Justice And Human Rights Explained

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Human rights are intimately linked with climate change because of its effect on not just the environment but our own well-being. Its effects will continue to grow and worsen over time, creating ruin for current and future generations. This is why the failure of governments to act on the climate crisis in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence may well be the biggest inter-generational human rights violation in history.

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Very insightful video feed; fit for global consumption. We must each pledge to ACT NOW. Ignoring the echoing sound of a planet begging to be saved is Humanity consenting to its auto destruction. More so, it´s a case of the current generation refusing to bequeath a better promise on the next next generation.


The effect of climate change injustice is felt more on the African continent and the coastal cities in terms of above than average annual rainfall(flooding), below than average rainfall (drought), with it's negative impacts on the socio-economic development of especially the developing countries.
