Outlaws MC Speak on Meeting 1%ers

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I was at the cemetery visiting a loved one, and about 20+ Hells Angel's came riding through and parked where my car was at. As they walked by, I locked eyes with one of the bigger guys there. He looked at me and said, "What's up bro"! We talked for a couple of minutes, and he talked about how they had about 15 brothers buried their and they came from AZ to pay their respects to the fallen soldiers. As a black man talking to a white HA, I felt completely comfortable, and whatever stereotype I may have had beforehand was left at the cemetery. 😤


Outlaws were good to us when we were kids in Indianapolis. They let us mow their grass and gave us their cans to cash in. They loved us for being little workers. Mad respect from me always!!! ❤❤❤


I was stuck on side of the rode I ran out of gas all my lights were out it was bad. Group of 1% riders stopped behind me and I started clutching my “poof be gone toy” but they came and took care of me. One guy sent another to get gas and they stayed with me and got my lights working and then followed me to my exit. Great group of guys. But I showed respect to them and they showed me the same. One told me “2 wheels 1 love”


I am a corrections officer. I've walked by the Breed and Pagans at gas stations, while I'm in full uniform and in civian clothes. I usually just say, "How u guys doing, beautiful day for a ride". They have always said something nice back and I'll say have a great day and be safe out there. Never had any issues. Actually one time a guy I don't remember which club, I made a comment, those are the highest apes I ever saw. He said sit on the bike check'em out. I said, do u know how bad that would look if someone snapped a pic of me sitting on your bike in full uniform and we both laughed.


Politeness is given, respect is earned.


I was a cop 40 years ago and pulled up on a lone outlaw biker broke down on the side of the road in the dark, I turned on my lights and stood by while he got his scoot fixed. Years later after retiring I ran into the same guy and a bunch of his outlaw buddies in a bar. He remembered me and bought me a beer, said he was worried I was gonna run his tag and discover he didn’t have a license, I said I was more concerned a cage would hit him in the dark while fixing his scoot than a violation on my stat sheet. We’re all people, he respected me and got my respect in return.


I was born & raised in St. Pete, FL and we ALWAYS had the Outlaws riding around! I have NEVER had a negative encounter with any of the members! I grew up, became a Police Officer, and again, never had a problem with them! Even though I am a Retired LEO and member of a LEO MC Club, I still have mad respect for the Outlaws MC Club!


there's wanting to interact and say hello, and then there's kissing these guys asses. Have a little self respect people


I was at Sturgis this year with my wife and the only person that respected me was a one percenter and asked me if my wife would like to sit in his spot and got up and gave his spot up in the bus so that she could sit down and be comfortable very righteous devils disciple great guy have a lot of respect for him


Show a 1%er the same respect you would show anyone.


My dad broke down one night on the highway late at night, no one would stop to help, when over the hill came this lone biker helped my dad change his tire even put back the spare tire, my father told him, do you know you’re the only guy that stopped to help, his response was, hey man what good are we if we can’t help each other he wouldn’t even take a tip and just like that he fired up the big ol Harley and disappeared into the night, thank you whomever you are thank you for watching out for my dad


The pegans had a clubhouse across the ally behind a small apartment complex . They invited all of us to come over but I was moving out that day. My twin brother was helping me and a suv pulled up blocking my driveway. I noticed a Vietnam veteran sticker on his back window, he got out and was 6' 6" easy and asked if he was in the way. I said your good for now and asked if he was a Vietnam vet. He answered yes and I said welcome home brother . In front of the whole biker party and his friends he instantly opened up his arms and walked up and hugged me telling me " you don't know how much that means man" I told him yes I do brother . After a long hug he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said thank you again, if I need any help just ask. He was an Outlaw but didnt have his colors on yet. .


Exactly man.. I wish the media would say things about how they help kids and the community too..


I was in uniform traveling from ft Bragg back to Ft benning ga and I broke down, not one cop stop to help me out and not one civilian, what stoped was about 70 motorcycle gang members to help me out. I’ll never forget that they paid for everything and feed me well . The heart that those men had was more then I can explain .


Just freaking treat people with Respect. I as a Disabled Veteran 3 tours in Afghanistan, 1 in Iraq and 1 Bosnia....scared of bugs:-) lol hate them but not another man. I don't club ride...I have ridden from West Coast to East Coast no issues no patches on my vest.

Oddly enough I get mad love from MC members for being a Disabled Veteran.


I was pumping fuel into my CRF450R dirt bike in Leota Michigan about 8yrs ago and some MC riders rolled in for fuel and beer. I’ll admit at first I thought “Im riding a Honda, gonna here some shit” but it didn’t mater. They showed respect and I did to. We talked for awhile about the love of riding motorcycles and the Marine Corps stickers I was sporting on my dirt bike. I explained my son was overseas in the sandbox. Cool guys. The love of motorcycles was the connection.


My punk band would play shows and we actually had some Outlaws coming out regularly. They were some righteous people.


Years ago I worked at a hospital as security, the Outlaws bikers came into the emergency parking lot, one of their brothers had a bike accident, I went into the gang and ask for their leader, talked to him about noise and partying in the parking lot, I ask him if they could just lower the sound and not to let anyone see them drinking or drugs. I asked him with respect and he complied, it’s amazing how you get people to respond to you if treat people with respect.


I broke down on I 95 at a rest area in Chelmsford Massachusetts. While I was crawling around under the hood of my truck I observed an older biker, wearing colors and drinking a hot coffee. My first thought was "Where did he get that?" And as I continued, and he watched more members of his colors showed up and kept on coming. There must have been 30 to 40 of them and they jumped in to get me back on the road. By the time I was leaving there, all set and ready for the highway, there were 60 or 70 of them !
The older biker was the President of the Boston Chapter and they were riding out to meet with the New York Chapter. These men were from past and present military and Police officers, past and present. They treated me like family and I am forever grateful to have crossed paths with them. I was on my way to Groton CT. for work and I got there on time!


I did security at a large bike meet many years ago here in Australia. A lot of local police were onsite. A certain group of about 50 was due to arrive. The police wanted them "wanded" with a metal detector. I got the short straw, with police watching at a distance. They arrived, I asked who was the man to talk to. I explained the situation and he was cool. I checked them one by one. "Oh, that's the steel cap in your boot", "oh, thats your belt buckle", they got the drift. We had a good laugh, they enjoyed the meet, and I didn't have one issue with them all weekend.
