10 STRONGEST HEROES to STOMP RANKED and SOLO CARRY - Meta Tips and Tricks - Dota 2 Pro Guide

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Рекомендации по теме

1. alchemist
2. kotl
3. oracle
4. phantom lancer
5. bristleback
6. phoenix
7. dragon knight
8. monkey king
9. weaver
10. tusk


Hey Speeed, just wanted to say many thanks for the videos.
I just played Alc in a pub and went 13/0/3 against an SF with a win at 30m full build.

Without your guides I wouldn't of done that.
So thank you! Literally going to Sub just for that fact.


Hey Speed, at 14:00 DK's breath reduces total damage which means includes raw bonus damage. Kinda broken ability but DK needs it.


I managed to get radiance in about 10 to 13 mins every game and gaining MMR playing Alc. Thanks Speed for pointing out Alchemist in the META video...


What about Pugna mid? Could you make a video you playing pugna mid? Pro's and cons on the hero, countering the hero, when not to pick. Thank you for you help !


Thanks Speed for yet another great content!


hi speed been watching since like FOREVER and i just wanna say thank you cuz ever since i started watching your videos, my mmr went up from 4.1k to 6.2k :DDD dont stop bro, players like me need you


Guys! The best mid hero is blood. I have 18 win strike. This hero's CD very good in early game. Use bloodrage and hit creep. That's it.
Just pick blood and win game :)


Wish to ask, if solo q mmr as a support, phoenix or kotl, which one better to increase mmr ya?


Nice... now I’m going to have to go against 10 heroes who’s bout to get spammed


U know alc as a hero is good but when to pick it does matter, i am playing at 5k+ mmr and trust me b4 speed made this video i tried spamming alc safelane but people just dnt stack or make space at all. They just give up at 20 mins even though i have a good radiance timing and all and yes that being said alc should be picked mostly as mid less as safelaner and its highly situational unlike ursa, wk, jugg etc heroes that can be easily picked without being much countered


ALch is hard to play in low mmr bracket, cuz people wont wait for you to farm neither will protect you from ganks , moreover the will go fights 4v5 and lose
i had a game 11min my axe offlane pinging me to helping him, when i told gim to hang on for 3 or 4 min he just stop playing XD
believe me as notail said, you want hero who can farm an fight at all stages of the game ( like gyro, ember, viod ..)


speed can you make a video about how to complete the all hero challange easily. im somewhat close to finishing but it got really boring and i loose a lot and have to pick the same hero over and over.


What role is bristle best at right now? I’ve seen him mostly in all core roles at some point but as a safe lane player I want to know how viable he is as a pos 1 and when should I pick it?


I had that PL match the other way round... got my carry to pick PL against no counters, and he was practically unkillable.


Hi Speed i have gained 700 mmr in the past 2 days but now i have had 4 games in a row with toxic griefers that feed. we had a timbersaw that bocked every single camp in our jungle. how do i counter this and still stay ahead after winning my lane


Is it possible to go down from legend rank to guardian? And is it possible to climb up back to legend?


Hi Speeed. Ive watched your vids for like 5 months now and gained around 1000 mmr - still climping! Ive wondered - are you hardstuck at rank 70?


My mate only plays axe. While I help support role. He recently is adopting an ungrateful attitude towards me keeping him alive and healthy with Dazzel. Who can I use to stomp him when I go against him


Im thinking about a strong combo which is Phoenix and kotl 2 strong supports u will have a good laning phase and in the late game u just run its teamfight cast phoenix ulti and they will run at it kotl push them away if they run away from it kotl ulti them so they can't run and they will get hit by phoenix's ulti and u just won the teamfight this way i would like to see this combo in a pro lvl match and hear what ppl think about it
