How To Ask The Universe For What You Want - Manifest Anything

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- This is how you ask the Universe for what you want and actually manifest anything. Robert Zink shares the Law of Attraction secrets to manifest anything when you ask the Universe for help in this way. You can get an answer from the Universe or even a sign from the Universe that whatever you desire will soon manifest. The Law of Attraction is always working and it is time to make it work for you. Speak to the Universe and you will experience the truth of "ask and you shall receive".

#asktheuniverse #manifestanything #RobertZink



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Who ever is reading this... BE open and receptive... Universe is ready to give you..


1 Always trust the inner light
2 Accept your situation is fluid and flowing
I embrace the opportunites to journey
3 Trust universe completely
4 Pray as GOD
I create for myself in my journey
5 Always speak, think and act as your truth


The Universe always has my back. ✨🌍♥️🙏 He is in me and I am in him. ♥️🙏 I am a Co- Creator of my Universe 🌍♥️✨🙏 Sending Blessings to everyone reading this. ♥️✨🙏🌍


Please all I ask is you keep in the light all who are reading this. I am keeping you in the light.


Mr Zink! I am all the way in South Africa yet still your energy touches me. You continue to shine and change lives sir 🙏 you are blessed


Everything is within me...I'll always trust universe's light!!!


I love life so much, and I feel that I can do absolutely anything, because I trust the universe to bring me good things! Even through grief, or sadness, there is an inner peace within me. Every one of us can make anything happen at the flick of a finger. We are creators. The only thing trying to get into our way is our (human) mind! Train it, reprogram it, and set yourself free.


I didn't know which of your videos to make my comment on regarding some awesome sure you have seen me commented on a few of your videos before. Anyway! September 2022 I spent most of my time researching once am inside regarding law of attraction I stumbled on your videos and did a few meditations as well. It's 2023 I still listen to your videos. A few times in 2022 I did the Ho'oponopono for healing and repeating the word am Fertile I did full moon rituals (burning notes regarding my disbelief that I could not conceieve but most of my mediations were regarding abundance and my love life I would say 90% of the time. Am shocked to say I did conceive last month lol !! I surrendered but had hope that I didn't know when but am absolutely certain it will happen. Since the year started only once I meditated on fertility to be honest. Thank you God, Thank you Universe thank you Robert 😊 🙏


I red so many motivational books but they all in spite of being best were not able to match me, but your videos Robert seriously they just cleared all my doubts, I was aware of the power of affirmation and manifestation since childhood but I didn't knew that it has a name, but my knowledge was half, as tough times were able to shift my some beliefs, but now i am back again. I listened the universal unconditional love, and this single thing is able to clear all the negative vibes from me within. Now I am no more worried about my future as i trust that the universe has and had always decided best for me, all i am focusing is to raise my own positive vibes. thank you, you are god send.


Thank you Robert Happy manifesting guys 🎉❤ 😊


This is a fantastic coincidence, I’ve just started to make LOA videos which show each time I lined up with the universe and manifest. This is a brilliantly inspiring video Robert. Thank You.


Thank you so much Robert! I was watching your video and all of a sudden when I saw the time it was 11:11! I am grateful to you and your videos which encourages me everyday . I trust in God and Universe and I believe in the process 🙏


Always trust my inner light .
Accept that your situations are changing.
I create opportunity that empower my life's journey.
Trust the Universe/God completely.
Pray as God 🙏. (I cheate opportunity and blessings for myself/ God is in me and I am in him.)
Act my truth.


" He is in me and I in Him." Thank you Universe!


We are on a Bright track. I create my own reality


Universe is within me. The architect of Universe is within me. God is within me. I create guidance for myself. I create love for my life. I create blessings for myself & for those I love. I create opportunities. I am grateful. Thank you so much ! 🙏😊💖🌌💫


Every single night since last april I see number 00:00 on my phone whatever I'm doing.
I really know that I'm connected with the Universe, I feel this positive energy into me and sometimes I cry because of the gratitude and the joy I feel inside me, even if what I desire it's not happened yet.
Last week I was in bed trying to sleep and at a time my phone turned on because of the full battery, so I took the phone to turn it off and was 00:00. There's not a day in which I haven't seen this number.
I feel blessed, not know what to say.

Thank you, God! You always are in and with me.
Universe bless you all


the universe is in me and we are there for each other. I’m grateful for you universe I respect you and I love you❤️


💜 this video hope to help my adult son who struggles with autism to remain in a positive light thank you


Something good is going to happen to you all today🤲🙏❤🥰
