Export Shapefile from Google Earth || Make polygon

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Export #Shapefile from #Google_Earth || Make #polygon
Google Earth Pro on the desktop is free for users with advanced feature needs. I wanna show you how to make a polygon in Google Earth and export it as a shapefile.
You should install Google earth on your laptop or PC.
I select a small agricultural field and I want to make a polygon on a section of the field. Then I save it to KMZ or KML file and convert the #KML or #KMZ to shapefile.
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Google Earth Pro on the desktop is free for users with advanced feature needs. I wanna show you how to make a polygon in Google Earth and export it as a shapefile.
You should install Google earth on your laptop or PC.
I select a small agricultural field and I want to make a polygon on a section of the field. Then I save it to KMZ or KML file and convert the #KML or #KMZ to shapefile.
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