Get Convict Cichlids. Here's Why.

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What makes Convict Cichlids so great? Watch to find out!
Convict Cichlid Care Sheet:

Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Aggressive
Natural Habitat: Streams and Rivers in Central America
Lifespan: 8+ Years
Size: 4-5"
Diet: Omnivore
Temperature: 70 – 82F (21 – 28C)
Recommended Minimum Tank Size: 20 Gallons

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Have you kept Convicts before? Comment and let me know what you love or hate most about them so we can crowd source opinions :)


I love convicts and certainly recommend them.


This is a delightful little fish - with all of the big cichlid personalities.
I've kept them, and bred them (as a matter of fact, just TRY and tell them to not to get-it-on, they'll simply laugh at you). Cichlid-parental behavior is a true wonder to witness, and no less so for the convict. The manner in which they look after and care for their little ones is awe-inspiring.
Even conscientious beginning aquarists will be thrilled with these new hardy little fire-plugs.
'Hardy' does not mean keeping Mada-
gasgar lace plant in a filthy unkempt
goldfish bowel. No matter what your charge is, the more attentive you are to it's thriving (not 'surviving') the more your pet will return to you.
The black convict is a wonderful little fish. I would recommend them to any fishkeeper.
As far as the narrators comments on biology, desirability among traits can only go so far. The thinner a pool be-
comes, or


Excellent! I love convicts because they have such endearing looking faces. They also have what seems like a sense of humor!


Convicts are great fish, and are a must have for any south/central American cichlid community aquarium. they are tough, hold their own against fish twice their size, and yet while certainly being pretty damn aggressive fish, they aren't overly aggressive the way jags, dovii wolf-cichlids, midas, red devils, or green terrors tend to be. I had a 150 gallon witch 4 foot-long or longer oscars, one nine inch speckled pike-cichlid, 3 jack Dempseys ranging from 7 to 9 inches, a 14 inch Shovelnose Cat, and finally four large convicts - one of whom was the largest convict i have ever seen, he was all of 8 inches - maybe even a little longer, by comparison he was a good inch to two inches longer than the other three. In that tank, even with all those other big badasses, it was that massive convict that was the tank boss, nobody fucked with him. He consistently faced down the Pike and my massive Jack Dempsey male. I loved that tank, it was easily one the most harmonious tank set-ups i have ever had, and it lasted a good 6-plus years before the first of those fish died, that being the Pike who was considerably older than everyone else. To fill the gap in the pecking order, i got a decent sized Green Terror, because i wanted a fish who could immediately hold his own against some pretty large and aggressive tank-mates and yet not one that was already large, because i wanted him to spend time at the bottom of the tank's pecking order, because i was well aware of how aggressive they could be which is why he was about 4.5 inches when i got him. The first year or so everything was going pretty well, but then suddenly the Green Terror's aggression went through the roof once he reached 8 inches in length and he supplanted my big convict as the tank boss, but he took it to a whole new level and quickly became hyper-dominant. He chased any and everyone constantly and totally ruined the tanks equilibrium. Finally after about 4 to 5 months of this - it took him killing off the smallest of my 4 convicts and even an oscar before i finally was willing to admit defeat and got rid of the the little asshole. It sucked too cuz he was the most beautiful Green Terror i have ever seen, whether that be in a store, on youtube, or a picture of one for that matter. After that, sadly, the tank chemistry was never the same again. Regardless, those Convicts, especially my monster one, (who eventually developed and large nuchal hump which i previously was unaware the Convicts could grow one), and are simply awesome fish and deserve way more love/appreciation than they usually get from New-World cichlid keepers who usually focus more on monster fish like the huge Crenicichla Pike, oscars, peacock bass, red-devils, midas, jags, Dovii wolf-cichlids, along with other massive non cichlids like Pacu, Bichers, Arowana, Knife fish, and so on.


I've kept convicts for 40 + years pink and striped. I like alt of cichlid species, but convicts have always been a constant keeper. Easy to breed iron tough, I will always have a convict until the end.


So true how powerful these fish are. My 2 inch male and female cichlid always go after my 4 inch tiger barb and keeps them in check!


I had cichlids for years and tried some discs in my smaller tank. It was like having chickens when you're used to having a dog


Convict chiclids are my absolute favorites, they are so nostalgic


They definitely are the hardiest fish I've ever owned ! Tough mean and fun to watch !


I have a breeding pair in a 10 gallon tank to bring them closer during breeding times (Its heavily maintained) and they’ve been breeding for 5 years so they are not aggressive towards each other, they are in that tank for about a week before I return them to their normal tank. out of breeding times, they live in a 30 gallon planted. They are amazing fish, highly versatile and great parents (except for the accidentally swallowing their young part). If you want to get into fish keeping, highly recommend them; you can get babies for around $0.30-$3 where I live; they grow very fast and can adapt to any sudden change in their environment.


ive only been into aquariums for 9 months when posting this. Convicts are very tough and forgiving fish with water parameters, breed easily and are very intelligent. these fish are so brave theyll attack your hand if their fry are present in the tank.


That is awesome. I have convicts, and compliment them with Tiger Barbs, and a few Siamese Algae Eaters. Great complementing colors, personalities, and swim patterns. I see this guy includes loaches.


Great video! Love the mix of fish in your aquarium 👍


Convicts have been one of those fish i have always admired, but never kept... maybe one day. thanks for sharing.


I have about 50 of them in my tank now .
And the last 25 years convicts have a great personality lol . Never boring in this tank


5:57 I've also seen powder blue ones, I currently right now have a very light lavender/powder blue male and the female turns nearly pitch black and she is vibrant green and blue on her outer fins. Her stomach turns bright orange which contrast release strongly against her very dark black pattern. I've only seen her lighten up a few times to show off stripes, usually she appears as all black ! I have a large white fossilized coral that I found in a lake here in Washington state that I've included in the aquarium. As their babies mature, they will turn completely white to match that backdrop because they hide in it lol. It's really cool to see how they change color so rapidly.


30 years of fish keeping and convicts are still one of my fav. They act like Mini Amphilophus. Cons get over looked because they are so successful that they are everywhere.


Getting a single Convict for a 20 Gallon long. I'm excited! I just need the tank and some other supplies then I'm ready to start cycling!


This video got my blood pumping. I love convicts and this made me love em more thank you
