Loop Antennas - Ciro Mazzoni - Hamvention 2023

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Rod, K8RR chatted with Loop Antennas, Wolfgang, IU3QKV at the Dayton Hamvention, 2023. Wolfgang gave us a closer look at the Baby Loop antenna, as well as the Stealth Antenna.
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Love the video. Been interested in a Ciro Mazzoni loop for awhile. Was hoping you’d show and talk about the “Stealth Antenna”

You didn’t disappoint.

Thanks for the video guys.


I live in a development with an HOA so an external antenna is not an option. I’ve been running my HF rig with the Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop in my attic for 6 months and it works great. It is an expensive antenna but it really does a great job covering the bands from 40 through 10 meters. I’ve made contacts around the world with 100 watts or less. The diameter of the tubing used for the radiator and the large air variable capacitor are what makes this antenna worth the price since it improves the efficiency of the antenna dramatically compared to other loop antennas. It’s worth every penny based on my experience with it.


I second that, allow the person being interviewed to talk about their product, not what you know and understand about it.


What about those who would like to install it on a flat surface? Can the height to be respected at ground level be applied instead at roof level? Is there a minimum roof size that makes the effect similar to the ground so that the swr is corresponding?
At the Xenia hamfest, Ciro announced that there would be a new Bluetooth controller. Do you have any news on when they will be available?


how can use this atenna with a linier amplplifier and it ATU such as ACOM 1200S with ATU 06AT?


How does the antenna behave in snow and ice? Is it not recommended?


A nice antenna, but I would have prefered to hear More fron the who was showing & demonstrating them, rather than having to put up with the guy from dx engineering gabbing on all the time.


I just checked the price, why is it that manufacturers of items like this, think people have thousands of dollars to spend ? This is America, dripping in poverty, during an economy that is headed downhill, driven by politics, and backed by the fact that there is no end in sight. Not many ham radio operators can afford to spend $2000.00 for a ham radio antenna, it doesn't matter how good it is, the bottom line is the ham world is trying to recruit new operators, not scare then away with prices over the moon. Granted, there are people that can afford high ticket equipment, BUT, remember, there is still a huge market out there, that would buy Ham Radio equipment, IF, it were reasonably priced....this will drive people to Ebay, and to make their own equipment....something is wrong with the high cost of enjoyment, and equipment pricing....!!!!


In a few weeks, I will have been using the Baby-loop for one year. Here a some of my DX QSO'S with the loop: DO1KRT, 4078 miles on 15m SSB; 4U1A, 4511 miles on 10m SSB; PV8AL, 2947 miles on 17m SSB; 6Y5HM, 1586 miles on 12m SSB; ZR1ADI, 3556 miles on 30m FT8 all of the SSB QSO were with 100w, FT8 with less than 45w. Numerous others on 20m. And this one is to KP4PUA, 1760 miles on 10m SSB with 7w using my Xiegu G90. I have it currently at about 8' on a Yaesu G450 rotator. It worked fine through the Winter and in rain. The only mechanical problem was when a squirrel dropped a walnut right between the bottom of the arms that caused a motor error. Which was easily fixed 😅. My lot is an average size city lot, and this has helped me get some ability to direct my signals. KC8WVG
