Ashfaq Akbhar: The Kashmiris are better off without Article 370.

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Ashfaq Akbar is a prominent Indian businessman based in the UAE. He was three-year-old when he came to the UAE with his family. He comes from Kerala, the most literate state in India. He says that Pakistan cannot compete with India at any level. The Kashmiris are better off without Article 370.

In an earlier interview with me, he said that Muslim politics in India is based on victimhood. Jamaat-i-Islami is a slow poison. Asaduddin Owaisi is a rabble-rouser. Akbaruddin Owaisi is more dangerous than his brother. Indian Muslims don't like good politicians.

I don't agree with my Pakistani brothers telling me that Jinnah was right about seeking partition. In my view, the decision to seek partition has not been proven right. As a consequence of partition, the Muslim community has been divided into three parts. The elite of Indian Muslims moved to Pakistan. We lost our political and socio-economic clout.

He believes that the Indian Muslims are far better off than Pakistani Muslims. Pakistan should not worry about us. Kashmir's future is the best with India. Indian and Pakistani industrialists should invest in each other's countries. Instead of Kashmir, Pakistan should focus on its economic development.


Shakil Chaudhary is an alumnus of Government College, Lahore. Subsequently, he studied international relations at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad and media at the London School of Economics. He has worked for several English-language newspapers.

He has written a critically acclaimed bilingual book, Handbook of Functional English (Ferozsons), to help those who wish to improve their English skills. Prof. Tariq Rahman, one of the finest linguistic scholars in South Asia, has praised it in these words: "This book is an excellent guide for the South Asian user of the English language. It gives examples of both the British and American varieties of English and provides guidelines to avoid the common errors of most Pakistanis when they write and speak English. It is also a comprehensive guide for pronunciation, vocabulary, editing and all other aspects of English usage. It has been written with great care and attention. I recommend it to students, editors, writers and other users of English in Pakistan."

Shakil has conducted many workshops on communication, writing and critical thinking skills. He is a former president of the Progressive Writers Association, Islamabad (2021-2022).

If you want to see his most popular videos, here are the links to them.

You are welcome to follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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Ashfaq Akbhar sir, we are proud of you. India needs more voices like you, specially from the Muslim community. who can articulate our situation and position and comment on our politics accurately. The victim narrative should stop. It is false, divisive and greatly harms the Muslim community in participating in mainstream activities and be part of a successful and vibrant plural society that we are.


Being an Indian businessman Mr Akbar is quite knowledgeable about the reality of Muslims in South Asia. He also has a good grip on geopolitics in the region. Thanks for your analysis.


I'm a Rss volunteer from Kerala. As a Keralite I'm very proud of you sir . Ashfaq bhai a well educated true nationalist❤


Ashfaq Akbar is like a breath of fresh so rooted, so and nationalistic


APJ Abdul Kalam is most loved president of India ever. He is no more in this world but lives in heart of most of Indian people across religion, region, age and gender. He is not only role model but also inspiration for many young boys and girls.


Appreciate Mr Ashfaq's Views.. extremely well informed & articulate.. India & Pakistan need such intellectual people..


This young man has great Clarity on a variety of issues.
Wish him well.
Shakil Saheb,
Thanks for yet another Hi Quality Discussion. Your Pertinent Questions raise the Bar of your guests.


I am really impressed with the all-around, 360⁰ knowledge of Ashfaq Akbar. Guys like him make India proud.


Ashfaq speaks like a true Indian. He is not afraid to call spade a spade.


Very useful conversation. Mr Sakil Chaudhary is an excellent moderator, very knowledgable and speaks with clear vision. I enjoy his topic of discussion.


Such a great knowledge Mr Asfaq Akbar is having about current and previous affairs of India.


Wow! A nationalist Muslim who understands the issues clearly. Salute.


Im so impressed by this gentleman named Ashfaq. This is the 1st time I'm listening to him, but he is very clear & composed in his answers. The BIGGEST thing which surprised me is, his thoughts arent clogged because of his religion. And this is VERY RARE in izlam. Kudos to this gentleman. You have gained my admiration. 👍🙏🇮🇳


Ashfaq a nationalist and have very good wisdom and knowledge.
Definitely person like him plays a pivotal role in soft power of India.
Discussion is very informative and authentic.
Very nice to listen Mr. Ashfaq 👍👍


He has knowledge and clarity about the history and polity. Such people are asset for any country. We are proud of Ashfaq Akbar.


Proud of you Ashfaq Bhai. Very knowledgeable and well spoken. Proud Malayali too.


What a clarity of thought Ashfaq wonderful to listen to you


Feels proud to see an educated and enlightened Muslim from India. Wish all Muslims from India get educated from mainstream education institutions rather than from Madarsas.


We are proud to have learned & patriotic muslims like Mr. Ashfaq as our country men. His unbiased and open minded views about our country and its past & current dispensation are really worth commendation.
