All Hail the King of Heaven (Official Lyric Video) - Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

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“All Hail the King of Heaven” by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa
From their new album, Almost Home - The Hymns of Matt Boswell And Matt Papa (Vol. 2)

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All hail the King of Heaven, Christ the Lord of all
Whom thundering angels circle ‘round, ablaze with awe
Let now the Hallelujah of earth in glad refrain
Ascend the throne, to Him belongs immortal praise

All hail the King of heaven
Creation join together
Let endless praises crown His name
All hail the King of heaven

All hail the Great Redeemer, Who so humbly came
The Lamb of our salvation, o for sinners slain
Let now one loud Hosanna resound from shore to shore
You nations say, “His kingdom reigns, forevermore!”

Let praise of nations rise now as a symphony
To sound the endless wonders of His majesty
Let every heart adore Him, the great and small the same
Through generations ever let His anthem ring!

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Thank you for this. It is great that you continue to build the hymn repository for use of the Saints. The Lord the bless you mightily for this ministry. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire you to write and share the music. Shalom 💐


that first interval, you think its gonna be “All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name”


All Hail the coming King!
Hosanna in the Highest!
Jesus shall reign over all the earth!


Just love the music of these guys. So fresh and refreshing and glorifying our God and Saviour


Just love the music of these guys - so fresh and refreshing and glorifying to our God and Saviout


Wonderful ! Praise our God the King our Great and Glorious King.


Have your sins been forgiven today and forever?  Think about this.   The God of the bible,   the One True God made us to worship him, obey him, and enjoy him forever.   We break His laws daily by not putting Him first, not thanking Him like we should, we lie, we lust, we have sex before marriage, we dishonor our parents, we covet things other people have, we take God's name and use it in vain,   we use it in a low manner,   sometimes as a cuss word,   (God is holy and even His name is holy),   we don't love like we should, etc.  In doing so we're saying He's not a good provider,   He's a liar,   He's untrustworthy,   He's not worthy of praise.   All these things and more are counted against us.   The bible says God is the just judge of the world and one day He will settle the score for all the wrong we've done.  God is holy meaning He is righteous (morally perfect in thought, word,   and deed)  It also means He is set apart and higher than us.  God  being good, must punish all sin or wrong doing in the world.  This means that if you sin one time God will cast you in hell for eternity.   Because He is good and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin.  But there is good news.  2000 years ago Jesus the Son  of God came into this world and lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once)  and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed.   The bible says that if you will repent (confess and forsake your sins)  and trust in what Christ did on the cross (He took the wrath of God that was meant for you and I) then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all who believe for eternity.  Jesus died and on the third day He rose from the grave.  Get right with God today don't wait.  Once you die after that comes the judgement.  Hebrews 9:27 It's the most important thing you can do.   You must be born again John 3:7 If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross it shows that you've been born again or born spiritually.   Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like obeying him,   serving Him,   loving Him and others,   reading the bible, praying and going to church you will love to do those things because God changes your heart.   That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven.  Please think long about this and ask me any questions you have as this is the most important thing you can ever think of in your life.   An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping and gnashing of teeth)  or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases.   You decide.   Have a great day!


Lovely easy to learn tune. Thanks. By the way, can you insert the lyrics on the video a second earlier, so that we can sing with you rather than after you?


Praise the Lord Jesus for he is worthy Amen 🙏🏻


Naulimek a sumsumged ti init ita a rabii


Naulimek a sumsumged ti init ita a rabii


Yay for hymns. Onward and upward with music due our great King of Heaven and His saints!


I'm wee bit worried about seeing Keith and Kristyn Getty's name and photograph beside all the song titles. Even the ones they did not write nor perform on. I'm afraid they are now so big they become "unapproachable" if that's the right word. Anyway, just been on my mind now and then. Still love the music.


Thank you for all the work that you do....providing the tpbody of Christ these precious hymns of praise ththat glorirify and honor our precious Redeemer!


Oh!amen!!this is really good 👍 thank you!!!


Beautiful! Sing a new song to the Lord always


praise be to our God for he is worthy and glorious
