Easily Implement JWT Authentication in a .NET Application - FIREBASE AUTHENTICATION .NET TUTORIAL

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Learn how to use Firebase Authentication in a .NET application. Firebase Authentication relieves us from the pain of implementing our own custom JWT authentication (and it's free)!
In this demo, I show how to register and login Firebase user's from a client-side .NET application (console, WPF, UWP, etc.) and how to verify Firebase JWTs from a ASP.NET application. Finally, I complete the full flow by logging a user in from the client application and sending an HTTP request to an authenticated route on the ASP.NET application.
0:00 - Introduction
0:59 - Demo Introduction
1:42 - Firebase Project Setup
3:12 - Client-Side Firebase Register/Login
6:08 - Server-Side Firebase JWT Verification
13:44 - Authenticating Client Firebase JWT with Server
17:32 - Summary
18:20 - Conclusion
In this demo, I show how to register and login Firebase user's from a client-side .NET application (console, WPF, UWP, etc.) and how to verify Firebase JWTs from a ASP.NET application. Finally, I complete the full flow by logging a user in from the client application and sending an HTTP request to an authenticated route on the ASP.NET application.
0:00 - Introduction
0:59 - Demo Introduction
1:42 - Firebase Project Setup
3:12 - Client-Side Firebase Register/Login
6:08 - Server-Side Firebase JWT Verification
13:44 - Authenticating Client Firebase JWT with Server
17:32 - Summary
18:20 - Conclusion
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