The Warrior's Intent vs The Average Man's Will Power - Carlos Castaneda| Don Juan Matus

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"I say that it is a very simple matter. Perhaps I say it is simple because I've been doing it for so long.
All you have to do is to set up your intent as a customs house. Whenever you are in the world of the tonal, you should be an impeccable tonal; no time for irrational crap. But whenever you are in the world of the nagual, you should also be impeccable; no time for rational crap.
For the warrior, intent is the gate in between. It closes completely behind him when he goes either way." - Don Juan

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#CarlosCastaneda #DonJuan #Nagualism #Anaam #TheNagualZone
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Intent is gentle? It operates below the radar of the socialised ego? It operates quietly, without draining energy?


hi Annam

you routinely refer to the person living-out the average mans reality - thus making them as - 'the average man'

but 99.9% fall into that description
- thus to my mind - its more like the 'un-maned' man
meaning there is no-one there, literally, doing any of the 'manning'
- thus - they can be said to be less like - a 'man' and more like information terminals

like that old computer phrase - Junk in - Junk out

another thing that came to mind
- was that - all of what it means to be living - is summed up in the opposites/duality
- of free vs imprisoned

and that for most of the so-called 'average mans' the latter - is the more preferred, familiar and contentful.

i mean - just take the - current vote being cast by those that blindly follow the mask wearing

my mind asks - would it be possible - for anyone of these un-manned entities (as they are choosing to be portrayed by *them*selves)
- given any amount of time - then come to doing the right thing
ie - research
ie - think
ie - demonstrate courage

and i think the answer would be a very definite - no


making time in this instance - a reflection of the current impoverished and very imprisoned state - that denotes - the existence of those - playing the average / un-manned - dance.

also - i feel the that the concept of evil - is more to do with - the imprisoned aspect (talked about above)
ie - the making and capturing - of more of the same (those subject to the imprisoned state)
- thus making the culprit - ('evil' doer) feel more empowered (or less imprisoned) by preying on the lesser free

Please feel free to delete comment - if its off-topic


Shame is a catalyst for positive change. No wonder the parasite has society in a shameless state or rather, a state of false pride.


Remember this. A warrior does not profit only does for the spirit. If YOU are profiting in any way. You should be feeling course power by now.
I’m a Yaqui some of your stuff is wrong.


Really good video again Anaam, thank you.
A question rised in me, and I wanted to put it here: how is intent and a path with heart connected?

I do feel that for the intent to keep its core value it needs a path with heart or it may rapidly become willpower. Am I correct?

Cheers and see you on the next video of debuking BS, XD.


Excellent! I had my 13 year old daughter listen and she was hooked! She subscribed. Your wisdom is eloquently explained.


Hola! Thanks for another marvelous reminder! Your teachings always merge with some Issue I'm experiencing. Also, I have not had any time for commenting this past growing season after you turned me on to Rev. Ike! My gardening business totally bloomed this year. Much Mahalo! I am looking forward to the Winter and more time for rest and musings. Namaste


When the Heart aspires, the Mind inquires and the Will conspires.


Wonderful explanation of will vs intent. I have personally pondered those concepts for many years but never really arriving at a clear understanding of those terms. The Castaneda books have said that willpower was the impersonal aspect of intent and "intent" was the personalized aspect. Now I can turn those definitions into a practical understanding particularly using your great example using baking ingredients to "personalize" the impersonal willpower by adding strategy and gratitude to transform the willpower to a practical and positive life force and tool. Thank Anam--you are really making the world better.
