How many returns is too many before your Amazon account is banned?

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Online retail giant Amazon says it can terminate accounts for users who abuse its return service. Business Insider reporter Kate Taylor joins CBSN to discuss the policy changes.
How many returns is too many before your Amazon account is banned?
Banned for too many returns?
Shoppers getting banned for too many returns
Too many returns could limit your future shopping options
Does Amazon ban you if you make too many returns?
Does Amazon ban you for too many returns?
Amazon is Banning Customers Who Make Too Many Returns. 3 Things to Know Today.
Banned for making too many returns
Does Amazon give warnings for too many returns?
Amazon Banning Customers For Too Many Returns
Will Amazon ban you for too many returns?
Will Amazon ban you if you do too many returns?
Does Amazon ban customers for too many returns?
Breaking News | Amazon is Banning Customers Who Make Too Many Returns. 3 Things to Know Today.
Amazon's Blanket BAN On TOO MANY RETURNS
Amazon cracking down on customers with too many returns
Will Amazon cancel me for too many returns?
Does Amazon give warning for too many returns?
Does Amazon still ban for too many returns?
Can you be banned for too many returns?
What does Amazon consider too many returns?
Can you make too many returns to Best Buy?
Can Amazon block you for too many returns?
Can you make too many returns at Best Buy?