Retro Games Are Better Pt. 71

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Modern games have they advantages and disadvantages like old games. However I understand the frustration.


"This is the problem with modern games" *puts in ps3 game*


As a guy who played gta 5 I can confirm how much we suffer from the load screens.


I like some modern video games from the 90s and early 2000s there the best types of games


Its amazing that this has been a problem so long that even "old" games have it


I feel this so hard. Also DLC, games are never complete


I love modern games, but i love retro games too, so in short i love all games


You see this is the part I love the most about modern games. There's not a better feeling than just waiting for the data to copy from the disc to your console, it builds up the tension and makes you even more hyped to play your new game you just bought


I know right? I love old games because of the pixel style and because you can just pop in the game cartridge and play.


I saw this while waiting for little big planet 3 to load up on my ps3 right now


The HD GTAs took AGES to download. I remember coming home to boot up GTA V for the first time, a few days after launch. I was just sat in front of my 360 for 20 minutes and my parents were wondering why I wasn’t playing anything


Mostly it’s the speed of your wifi and the speed of your storage drive you can upgrade the storage drive with newer versions and faster speeds


Some classic games also have DLC (such as Sonic Adventure 2 on the Dreamcast)


Well on pc you just have to make sure you have a disc drive to install the game or have all the needed install files in a folder from the disc or have the game from Gog


Bruh, it's fine, once it's done with this it doesn't have to do it ever again. And for a game like gta, it's doen for performance reasons, because the read head on a disk drive can't move nearly as fast as a hard-drive arm, (which they can do because it's engineered to be perfectly aligned) with a mass produced plastic disc that is swapped in and out at will by a user, there's gonna be some slight variations that would make it not be a good idea to have something close enough to touch the disc, the laser is fine, it's got a somewhat passive way to align the disk parts to the disk, it's got a little prism that breaks the laser into different parts and a couple of light detecting leds to tell the little adjuster what movements it needs to take, and all of this happens in real time, and to the naked human eye, it's perfectly in sync, but to the game system, it's slow as heck. And so often, in those days, it was faster to load digital games onto the hard drive, and it's only gotten better these days with ssds, heck when the ps4 and Xbox one came out, they made loading all the data onto the hard-drive the default, only using the disk as a base version of the game (sometimes bearly even that) and then more often than not, more data gets patched over it, updating it to the latest version.
As a side effect, games made that heavily rely on real-time data streams, they don't work that well on older drives and even hard drives, and often break the games. Pc gamers havent had to worry about this for a while, cause lots of people would load their games onto their hard-drive to get better speeds for years, and then when steam came out and no pun intended, steam rolled the physical pc games market, everything was digital, then after that, disk gaming became more and more inconvenient over time, that I don't even have a disc drive on my pc (not for a lack of trying). And even when I do find a pc game on disk, weather in the bargain bin or at a yard sale, i just bust out one of the old laptops and rip the disk, and get a no-disc mod, because it's so much more convenient, assuming it even needs one, these days you just get a download code or something, maybe even a disc that ties the game to your steam account, acting like a digital version of a download code.
Downside, whenever I want to play a game I don't already have downloaded, I have to wait hours, though thankfully these days I have an ethernet cable, so my speeds are twice what they used to be wirelessly, that and there's much less opportunities for my to stumble upon a random pocket change bargain in Walmart or something like I can with consoles, but some steam sales are so good, that as long as I have some money on my account, it's way better. Like the summer sales 😍 as a console gamer I always dreamed of such massive sales, Battle Toads 3 for 10 cents? Awesome. Half life Alex for a dollar, get outta here. They're quite something.


I agree 100 percent back then all you needed to do was plug and play and out the disc or the cartridge in and boom modern games now give devs the shortcut to release games unfinished 9r buggy


I have the same problem it's probably the game because I can still play liberty city


there's some games i like. i don't like a lot of them modern games y'know

i mostly like subnautica, minecraft, terraria (which is kinda retro), subnautica, portal 1/2, half-life, etc


Cartridges will end up being the standard for physical games, since sd technology has been increasing exponentially to the point you can have extremely fast 2tb micro sd cards. You can play directly from the card/cartridge, and it actually fits the whole game on it! By the time the 360 and ps3 came out, the size of games outpaced the storage size of discs to the point that discs end up being a download link for the files. Would much rather have all cartridges using micro sd tech.


man, Mario 64 was so good to just pop in and play
