Binary division circuit

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Binary division. In this video we’ll see how computers do division. There are variuos way to do binary divison but we see a combinational fast division circuit 5 to 3 bits. A combinational circuit doesn’t need a clock to work and the operation could be theoretically done in just one ALU instruction.
For explanation about adder and 2' complement see this :
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Best explanation of the circuit and how to build it. Saved me days of work. Thank you :)


The AtariJaguar (1993) seems to use combinatorial 32:2 bit division without restore. A loop expands this to 32:32 . 1995 the Pentium introduced a more modern way which allowed 64:2 division at higher clock frequency. Additionally, Like an FPGA, Pentium used a LUT. Almost like your 8 bits (3+5)
