NASA Ames Information Technology and Software Webinar

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NASA Ames Research Center has become a leader in the field of information technology (IT) because of its long history in computer science research and its location in the heart of Silicon Valley. During this webinar, NASA researchers will discuss some of the latest IT and software solutions to come out of their labs.


Flexible engine for Fast-time evaluation of Flight environments Fe3 - 1:13

Space Traffic Management (STM) Architecture - 12:00

Inductive Monitoring System (IMS) - 28:56

Enhancing Fault Isolation and Detection for Electric Powertrains of UAVs - 37:17

Reconfigurable Image Generator and Database Generation System - 56:43

Technology Transfer Presentation and Closing - 1:21:12

During the webinar, you will learn about these new inventions and how NASA’s technologies and capabilities are available to industry and other organizations through NASA’s Technology Transfer Program.
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speech recognition comprehension and feedback is how AI will be birthed on windows computers in 2022, becoming smarter and better by understanding the user's natural language, not just english, this can/will/should happen all over the world asap, for our own good before we destroy each other through nuclear war or political fueds


im tryn to explain myself and get past the media hype and political beefs. I really want to help build web3 and develop innovative software to change the world and solve complex space problems. Possible House or Senate run in next few years (can run off just one campaign website and social) But that is a fallback plan assuming im not succesful raising money. Or even run for President.