Are You Accidentally Hurting Your Cat? Avoid These 7 Things

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Do you ever worry that you're accidentally hurting your cat? In this video, we'll discuss 7 ways that you might be harming your cat unintentionally.
Cat massage/spa footage: @orangeboysofweho

Video Navigation:

0:00 The Mistakes We Can Make
0:58 1. Giving Your Cat the Wrong Litter Box
2:33 2. Letting Your Cat Stay Overweight
3:40 3. Using the Wrong Household Products
4:43 4. Excessive Grooming & Bathing
6:03 5. Not Deworming Your Cat
7:12 6. Not Giving Your Cat Enough Hydration
8:23 7. Being too Stressed
9:45 Take Care of Yourself!

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Thank you so much for watching and caring about your cat! Do you think you've ever accidentally hurt your cat? Let's discuss!


Thank you for mentioning the heartworm and flea and tick prevention! I work for a vet and people don’t think indoor cats need preventions but they are OH SO WRONG. Where as dogs can have hundreds of heart worms and it will damage their heart and shorten their lives, it only takes ONE heartworm to kill a cat. Thank you for addressing the importance of preventions! 🙏🏻♥️


My Maine Coon Chester weighed 26 pounds when I got him at 7 years old. Vet said he could benefit from losing a few pounds, so I began giving him several small meals a day instead of keeping his bowl full all the time. He now weighs a slimmer 20 pounds, so I know that tip about small meals works.


Times are ruff. I have two cats and both have been my best friends since they were baby kittens. They are 14 and 15 years old now. The first one I got is so smart loving. Beginning this year she was tested with early kidney failure. So now yeah I've worrying alot about her. Her number one focus is water and give her as much as she wants even add it to dry food. Unfortunately I'm still alone at my age and not quite sure how I'm gonna cope when I have to put her to sleep. Honestly feel ruined even thinking about it. They have been my best friends through all the bad the only ones who been by my side 💯


I need to think about moving my girls litter box out of the front closet. It's pretty enclosed and also near the front door/hallway (I live in an apartment complex). I thought that was the best place but after watching this video, maybe it's not? Thank you. Also, I appreciated and felt a little emotional when you mentioned taking care of ourselves for our cats. I've been struggling with a severe major depressive episode and I needed to hear that today. I always take care of them but I don't always take such good care of myself. Thank you.


Before Whiskers, I'd never had a cat so for the first two years since his arrival, I was a worry wart but thank God for my neighbor. He helped tremendously in letting go of that anxiety. Now, I just allow my whiskers to be himself and follow his rhythm. We both are happier about it ❤😊


Exactly, overfeeding can be such an issue. My cats used to live in a household with multiple feeders and they ended up weighing a bit more than they should -- we reduced the meal time and even packed the daily food to limit the food intake and feed the cats multiple meals a day. Good thing they are not good at accounting how much they are eating and lost the weight really quickly.


I’d like to echo what others have said about researching cat-friendly vs harmful plants to have in the home with the cat.

Also, when cats get older, I’d think about having their teeth checked more deeply than just a visual inspection. Our elder cat had to have some teeth extracted due to abscesses that were only caught after 1) we noticed her eating patterns were changing 2) she would drop more food when she would eat, and 3) dental x-rays

I never had an elderly cat before and it isn’t common knowledge to get their teeth cleaned and looked at (apart from a visual check at their yearly vet visit). I wanted to make a comment so others may know, too.

Thank you always for sharing such insightful and helpful videos! 💜


The fountain sounds like a good idea, our cats do love a running tap….🙏🙏🙏🙏


You nailed it on the chemicals. We changed asap! Love your channel.


The litterbox goes in the restroom by my toilet. We go together LOL


I would add not paying attention to what’s going on (or not!) in the litter box. If your cat is either not peeing as usual, like either not peeing as frequently, or peeing too long, it could mean a UTI or cystitis. Different colored or density of poop could also mean a medical issue. Yes, we want to give our cats privacy when they go, but being aware of their habit and end product is important.


I know it's not a financial option for everyone, but we managed to take care of several cat problems with one fix, and that was moving to wet food only diet. I have 2 boy cats, who both just started getting UTIs after they turned 5. One was VERY over weight, so we decided to make the move to high protein wet food only's been almost 8 years with zero UTIs and also the one that was overweight is down to normal weight levels and so much more active and happy. It really does make a difference!


Two other things to avoid hurting your cat are getting teeth check-ups/ brushing and not making sure the plants you have in your home are safe. Common plants like lilies can easily kill a cat and many people have no idea


You could also ( I don't do it myself because I give them wet food ) but you can add some bone broth to the dry food but make sure it doesn't have any onions or garlic in it.


I use a lot of white vinegar for cleaning. My two cats eat mostly fresh chicken thighs and raw ground beef. Once a week a tin of sardines on Sardine Sunday. They get a wet cat food that is 3% carbs and low in calcium and phosphorus. They drink a lot of water out of a wide, shallow Corelle baking dish. Since most cats (61%) are overweight, people think mine are too thin.


You could be in a hurry in the morning getting ready for work and not seeing the cat on a dark rug and accidentally kicking her. She forgave me and I immediately replaced the rug with a light colored rug so I always see her laying there. Now she watches my feet like a hawk. I felt terrible and still do but I'm glad she forgives me


Thanks for this video. It served me as a check on how I treat my cat, and I guess I’m doing pretty good! The one thing I do that varies from your recommendation is I do try to brush him daily. He’s a long hair and he’s quite prone to hair balls if I don’t brush him frequently. He actually likes to be brushed and I keep each brushing brief. He’ll let me know when he’s had enough! On another point, I bought a water fountain for my cat a few months ago and he totally ignored it. 😮 I finally put it back in the box and I’ll donate it to a local rescue organization. Oh, well.


1:35 I have a large metal litter box with lots and lots of litter in it and both my cats love it. When I clean it sometimes they just chill in the box. And it's behind a curtain so they have privacy


I have had my big boy for 7 years, he’s 10 now. For many years I have kept only cat safe plants, but he never showed any interest in plants AT ALL. During the first wave of COVID, I decided I wanted to get some tropical plants finally, reasoning that he has never gotten into any plants, so it should be fine. Sure enough one day he ate a huge toxic leaf and I FREAKED out. Thankfully he barfed it up and that was the end of that, but we could have had a way worse outcome. Back to safe plants now!
