The Absolute JOKE of a Metaverse - Earth 2

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The Challenge has been updated, and the result looks VERY bad for Earth 2. The CEO is a paranoid, narcissist who thinks a "shadow cabal" of youtubers is trying to ruin him, their tech has been fairly well replicated by one youtuber in less than a week, and the community is in flames as this "Proprietary Tech" is officially called into question.

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Callum dropping the mic at the end of his video saying he'd sell what he made if he isn't paid out for completing the challenge was amazing.


Shane is never going to pay. he cheated and failed to pay the people that found his Egg Hunt Eggs. He is noted for not paying out. Has anybody actually succeeded in cashing out of Earth 2?


Changing the rules mid challenge is absolutely Artesian.


I'd say, anyone who says the challenge wasn't met has personal stakes in Earth 2. Those who double down now deserve to lose their money.


No self-respecting "CEO" of any company would challenge a youtuber, or anyone else to anything. They have nothing to prove. Callum (nor anyone in the "Shadow Council") are selling anything, so even if they lose the challenge, they have very little to lose. But what happens when they actually step up to the challenge? You lose big, and that is what happened. This really is just as you said, a big dumpster fire.


You can't really warn people against investing in Earth 2 at this point. Some people will refuse to accept everything's burning until they're engulfed in flames.


Dude... Callum literally said "hold my beer", and wiped his ass with Earth 2. Fucking beautiful.

Edit: Shane's talking out of his ass about a 1:1 recreation of Earth. The continents of Earth 2 do not shift position. The continents are constantly in a state of movement, but it takes millions of years for something noticeable to happen. Ice and water rising and dissipating isn't the only thing that happens on Earth, Shane!


The other thing to remember is, the E2 devlog was meant to show what 'the team' has been doing for MONTHS. To then flip his lid and challenge Callum to do it in a week, was never going to work for Shane. He can claim whatever he likes but this young guy met or came close on every goal and did it for free in his spare time. No matter what, that makes the E2 team look like a bunch of hacks at best.

Shane is quite literally begging people to realize his grift is precisely what KiraTV has described it as for months-- not a take the money and run rugpull, just a bunch of yokels drawing a salary for doing the bare minimum until the money runs out.


This is hilarious. Not only did he clearly win on a technical level, but he did so as a lone party with a fraction of the time E2 has had time and staff for. The fact that a lone guy could produce that in less than two weeks should genuinely make everyone who has ever dumped money into E2 consider their legal options at this point.


This is going to end up like that Flat Earth video where a guy challenged people to 100 grand if they could prove the earth was round but changed the bet's rules every time someone actually proved it.


This is funny but none of it really matters. Anyone willing to invest in a project like earth 2 already has their brain turned off and won't change their attitude based on this happening


The fact that they changed the rules mid challenge imo makes Callum win automatically. He agreed to a challenge under specific rules and they tried to change them partway in to make him lose which means they should default imo. Even if Callum hadn't done what he did he should still win imo because he played by the rules while shane decided to try to twist them and throw random accusation out.
The funny thing about the alleged help tmk was that the accusation came before work had even been started.


E2’s “demo” was way more visually appealing….that’s it. Callum seems to have replicated the demo in a week, even if we deduct points for visuals he still replicated E2’s demo in a week lmao


Wait, why can't our "shadowy conspiracy" start building useful tools for a virtual world from this?


I have been programming games for about 12 years now, in a bunch of different engines.. And i have to say, even IF Callum did not beat the challenge, he is still 100% correct. What was shown in the Earth 2 showcase video is something someone could do in a day or two. At least the technical part of it.. Now, making this playable, and an actual good game, thats another story..


Nothing brings me more joy than seeing UEG tearing yet a new one into Earth 2


I am a UE5 Indie Developer and I gotta say, Earth 2s marketing video is nothing but boring stuff you can find in most basic UE4 and UE5 engines. Just knowing how to create a landscape texture blend is enough to debunk half of this. Not to mention, E2 didn't even bother implementing "cell bombing" or "tile mixing". You just see a ton of tiles all over the place with repetitive textures. To the normal person, E2 looks great but to everyone else, it looks like baseline crap.

E2 is not impressive and the CEO is a lying nutjob that needs to be sued into oblivion for his deceptive practices.


These buffons are the gift that keeps on giving


It's like the whole day of dra-goons fiasco all over again lol. I mean really lets run down the comparison list...

1 - Cons a crap ton of money out of people for an immense and massive project - check

2 - Blames youtubers for being brutally honest about their "game" (if you could call it that) being crap - check

3 - Pays an obscene amount of money to others to make pretty graphical and rendering fantasy artwork and store bought assets only to claim it as their own, even though the "project creator" never made it - check

4 - Project creator incites die hard brain washed morons in thier community to attack and lash out at anyone who says anything bad about said project or project creator - check

5 - No basis lawsuits, copyright strikes, and DMCA take downs to censor anything bad said about the project creators crap scam project - big fat check on that one

6 - Project creator self destructs and commits career suicide - yea at this point thanks to callum i'd say that's a definite check

Yep, no... it's all just a TOTAL conspiracy against em, no reason at all they don't bring it on themselves *facepalm* lmao
