Why Are James Patterson Books So Popular?

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James Patterson almost always has one or two books on the bestsellers lists even though almost everybody agrees his books aren't any good anymore. So why do so many people still read James Patterson books?

#JamesPatterson #DysfunctionalBookReview
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I only read James Patterson if he writes it only with no co-authors. His Alex Cross series is really good. It has gone down in quality and dried up over the years but they are still decent. I don't like his co-authors, not enough character development. I enjoy Grisham but he has gone down in quality too. Writers are struggling now, most of them. Not just Patterson. He isn't do anything wrong, he or the co author writes the book. Publishes it. It isn't unethical dude.


I like SOME of his books. We all need mindless entertainment sometimes.


I once read somewhere that Patterson writes for people who want to say they read. I find that assessment to be true. While his books may not be my cup of tea, as an aspiring writer there is something to be learned from him about marketing and selling books


I'm fairly new to getting into literature and his books are one of the first books I started reading this month and I've read several, but I'm interested in knowing an author who writes stories about similar topics that isn't a hack? I need recommendations


I think James Patterson is a great author


I really couldn't get past the prologue of The People Vs. Alex Cross. It was a 12 yr old boy spying on two women naked being intimate in the back of a car in the clearing of a woods and filming it on his iPhone with the intention of selling it to open site. A crime ensues, the kid gets caught, and jump cut to Alex I Cross intro. That could have been the whole outline Patterson did. It was very poorly written.


I read The last Days of John Lennon which was very well done. I’m going to read some of his early works as I heard good things about those.


I actually prefer his books written with others. I find his books very entertaining, when one is in the mood for very easy reading!


I've read Roses are Red and Violets are Blue, and both are an amazing book! While I'm personally am not a fan of police officers in real life, due to many reasons which would be too long winded to explain, I do love how James Patterson managed to make me care about Alex Cross. I especially love these books because of the villain, the Mastermind, though, I won't spoil the identity of said mastermind.


I’m fine with people who read James Patterson and I try to get them to read a book by another author until they’ve separated from James Patterson, mainly because I think these days it’s amazing to see someone read anything


James Patterson has found the secret sauce, so to speak. He has a system and for him, it's about the bucks. Getting coauthors or ghostwriters lends him more time to outline other ideas, so he can hand it off to his coauthors. I don't think he's cheating per se, but he has cornered the market by flooding it with a plethora of books in various genres. Why people love his books, imo, is because his chapters are short, and caters to the low attention span we have, and he excels at branding.


I liked his first 2 Alex Cross novels and that was it.


There's a reason He's the best selling author on the planet !!!! There a Reason for that !!!!


read maybe 15 of his books because they are free but never read one that was above average and never like i cant wait for the next chapter, dont get the popularity and im done with him and his fake books


You Suck !!! He is the best suspense, horror, mystery author ever to hit the Best Seller list. Hands Down !!!


You have to look at James Patterson's books like a publishing company, or an imprint of that publishing company. The secondary author on the cover is the actual writer. For instance, The Women's Murder Club series started by Andrew Gross and the later novels by Maxine Petro. These are the authors you should be following. Andrew Gross has several other books written and published without James Patterson. They are both good authors. The only credit that I give James Patterson for these books is that he found these authors and gave them a platform to be published (his name/company). So if you follow him like that you will notice that he, himself only publishes a book about once a year or so, and so do the other authors writing under him. So if you like The women's murder club and can't wait for the next installment check out other books by those authors, and the same goes for most of the authors that write under him.


TThey are simply outlines in prose for movie scripts. So a move script only needs EXT: Food Truck, Street, New Orleans. Why write a paragraph of description? Screenwriters dump that crap before they even look at writing the adaptation Novel to Screenplay. Why add it. You are meant to SEE a food truck on a New Orleans street; you don’t have to smell the food. His books look and feel like they were written straight out of Plotto by William Wallace Cook. I knew a movie producer who told me he had a brilliant idea he wanted me to direct and write. Come in for a script conference. I was lined up to write it and expected notes and an outline. I sat there in front of him in his gold Rolex and model ‘secretary’ pandering to him. There was nothing on his desk. No notes. No outline. I asked him what his brilliant idea for a screenplay was. “A man falls down an open manhole.” That was his answer. Never worked with the jerk again. Patterson writes ‘manhole’ books based on Plotto. But then his readership is the American public.


I like the alex cross series and the private series and the NYPD red series i dont care if he writes them or not book snobs get so bent out of shape over james patterson its hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


James Patterson is a great author for easy reading which I like because I'm a university student and don't need more distractions in my life. The Private series is my favorite


I find James Patterson's co-authored books, terribly mediocre. Don't know if he is tired of writing, or he has lost creativity, but I have read 3 or 4 of his books with co-authors and they were really disappointing, boring. SO, I STOPPED BUYING HIS BOOKS. WE ALL MISS THE OLD JAMES PATTERSON.
