Electrolyte Imbalances | Hypercalcemia (High Calcium)

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What is hypercalcemia, and what are the key concepts the NCLEX wants RN nursing students and LPN students to know about fluid and electrolyte imbalances?

Hypercalcemia is fancy words for high calcium in the blood, or high blood serum calcium. Normal calcium levels range from 8.4 - 10.5 mEq/dL according to the NCLEX (NCSBN boards). Calcium is an electrolyte that helps keep the 3 B’s strong: bones, blood (with clotting factors) and beats (heart beats), therefore electrolyte imbalances like hypercalcemia lead to signs and symptoms of nausea, vomiting, , confusion, constipation, muscle pain, headaches, and even depression.

This video is part of a 12 video fluid and electrolytes series to help registered nurse RN students and LPN students with electrolyte imbalance memorization tricks. In this video Michael Linares, RN from Simple Nursing helps pinpoint the exact causes and treatments for hypercalcemia, which is expected to know for the NCLEX, HESI, ATI, and Kaplan proctor exams.

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Рекомендации по теме

These videos are amazing and are helping me pass my med school exams! Thank you for making everything easy and FUN to understand. So refreshing.


I hope your video will help me to pass!
I'm so nervous but listening to you helps to put me in hands
Thanks greatly!


I'm a little confused, I am reviewing hypercalcemia in the Saunders NCLEX book and it says hypercalcemia will be accompanied with increased heart rate in the early phase (bradycardia that can lead to cardiac arrest in later phase) and increased blood pressure. They have decreased heart rate and hypotension as manifestations of hypocalcemia. Would you mind clearing up my confusion? Thank you!!


My book says that the vitals would be elevated for hypercalcemia. I’m not sure why there is a difference between the video and book. Could you elaborate?


Multiple myeloma causes high calcium levels in the blood... please ask your doctor to run tests if you have foamy urine, bone pain, deep body aches, have difficulty walking.


lol I gotta stop the video you to let you know you cracked me up. Thank you. i need those laughs and knowledge lol


The calcium in my blood is exactly 10.5. Is that normal or do you think should I be concerned and schedule follow up visits for it?


Hello, please can you clarify if hypotension or hypertension is associated with hypercalcemia


My doctor checked me for high calcium and got a false high reading. I checked again a week later and my levels were normal. A year later (last week) my doctor is concerned about my calcium levels again after calcium readings that popped up from a test came back a “little high” according to my doctor. After research I realized that i have been taking Vitamins D supplements around both these times. I have since stopped as soon as i found out about D vitamins’ relationship to hypercalcemia (last week). Will my levels drop back to normal with healthy change in lifestyle and diet? Or did i do irreparable damage that requires surgical attention to my thyroid?


Does Hypercalcemia causes muscle cramps?


Thank you for this wonderful video! It helps me a lot 🙃🙂


I read that calcium should always be in the 9’sis that correct?


I am so confused? My 2 1/2 yr old princess Calcium came high but parathyroid is Low! She has constipation and was given Miralax to drain out stuck stool by doing one shot treatment🤦‍♀️( giving 85g of miralax in 6hrs) nothing happened on that day and she was fine next day but week later she started showing symptoms of dehydration 😔 her lips started to bleed when i sent her doctor photos she said it was chap lip🤦‍♀️😡 she is showing symptoms again.. i really need some help and answers! Anyone willing to answer or guide, will greatly appreciate 🙏


What is phosphate please? My calcium count is very high, if I took phosphate would it lower calcium? Thanks


in turkey every year doctors register exam, they love to ask this question


My dr put me on meds for high bp told me my calcium was high and to drink more water for it ! WTH


What is the minimum calcium level essential for good health sir?


I was taking g too much vitamin d n magnesium with calcium I was not doing it right taken way too much. Don't do it get blood work n do it right
