Narasimha - Fierce Vishnu Avatar's Story & POWER Explained

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In this episode of The Ranveer Show, we welcome Vinay Varanasi. He is a Bengaluru-based storyteller and artist who has accumulated vast knowledge about Sanatan Dharma, spirituality, and Indian culture. In this episode, we will talk about Vishnu and his Dashavataras.

In this episode, we talked about the concept of Vishnu and his various avatars, exploring how he is seen as the sustainer of the universe and the source of life. The hosts discuss the intricate details of Vishnu's avatars, highlighting the symbolism and the stories behind them. They also discuss the importance of sadhana and how it can help people connect with the divine.

This was an amazing episode about Lord Vishnu. I am sure that with this episode, we will gain a bit more understanding of Indian mythology and more. I hope you will enjoy this episode and let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

#vishnu #dashavatara


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TRS Clips is a collection of SHORT CLIPS from The Ranveer Show podcast. Enjoy our latest knowledge-fueled videos from the BeerBiceps team. Every conversation on #TheRanveerShow is intellectual, deep & progressive. We cover everyone from entrepreneurs to Bollywood film stars to even athletes.

Today, The Ranveer Show or TRS - Happiness Through Curiosity. A show where we host the world's greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success. Every conversation is an EXTREME learning experience for the viewer.
Рекомендации по теме

I am a Telugu boy from Andhra Pradesh and I visited Ahobilam 3 times . Ahobilam is a tiny village in the middle of the Nallamalla forest . There are 9 forms of Narasimha called Nava Narasimha(Paavana, Bhargava, Karanja, Chatravata, Yogananda, Varaha, Ugra, Jwala, Malola )
and for each one there is a temple and the 9 th one is called Ugra Sthambham which is 9000 feet above sea level and as Vinay said you need be physically fit and ofcourse you need to have Narasimha's grace upon you. I cannot actually put into words the divinity I have experienced after visiting Ahobilam. It is a must visit site for eveyone who wants to experience Narasimha's power. Om Namo Naarasimhaya Namaha🙏


There is a popular saying in Tamilnadu that There is no tomorrow for narasimha all day is his day


Narasimha is my favourite avataram of lord Vishnu, he comes for a small boy devotee which makes me feel god is great!! Vishnu is great... Im from chennai here...


As a final year mbbs student I was supposed to present a case for clearing my exams. I was running out of patients and it was my turn the next. My mind cried “seems like Bhagwan wants me to give another attempt”. A gentleman approached me and said that he was the patient alloted to me. I rushed examining him and I noticed that he was a person who had panchasamskara. With better hope I did my case presentation and I cleared the paper with a good score. Later on no body saw the patient in fact there was no record of that patient with that symptom and from the answer sheet later I got to know later that his name was “perumal Samy”. Now, as a surgeon I firmly believe that lord Narayan and lord bajrangbali always stand beside me during my surgeries and keep me going even at high risk situations. Jai Sita ram, Jai bajrangbali


i am a person who doesnt share anything about my personal beliefs to even my closest ones but im saying this openly whenever i asked something to Narsimha and ma Lakshmi has they have always given me😭😭 i cant do anything for them not im able to recite a proper prayer, im just writing this to admitting this openly .


Narsimha dev is always there ....I see him as love and protector...he never leaves his bhakta alone ...for me he is calm and loving energy, everytime I recieved his grace...aum namo narasimha


Ugram veeram maha Vishnum jwalantham sarvathomukham Narasimham bheeshanam Bhadram muthyor mruthyum namamyaham.


I don't know about other dieties. But my father God Narasimha's presence in my life has transformed it. I feel intense love and bhakti and cannot stop crying for how beautiful and kind he is. ❤


I saw a humanoid lion in my dream in March. I've felt heat in my body many times this year. Someone told me to look into Lord Narasimha and all of this makes sense. This is a fascinating story and I'm glad you guys posted it. Thank you


Being an ardent devotee of Narasimhan’s I can vouch ( For nth time) for Narasimhan’s instant protection based on my personal experiences … it’s something people have to experience! माता नृसिंहः पिता नृसिंहः भ्राता नृसिंहः सखा नृसिंहः । विद्या नृसिंहो द्रविणं नृसिंहः स्वामी नृसिंहः सकलं नृसिंहः ॥ १॥ ( Translation:- Mother is Narasimha, Father is Narasimha, Brother is Narasimha, Friend is Narasimha. Knowledge is Narasimha, Wealth is Narasimha, Lord is Narasimha, Everything is Narasimh )!! This is indeed true for me !! 🙏🙇‍♂️


Sri Yogananda narasimha...who ..taught yoga to so gentle krishna...peaceful and smiling....


My home town which is Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh has an ancient temple built by prahalada himself where Vishnu is in 2 forms Varaha and Narasimha. According to puranas prahalada after praying to Narasimha swamy he also wanted to see the previous avatar of swamy which is Varaha. So swamy here in simhachalam is called as Sri Varaha lakshmi Narasimha swamy.


This guy is an amazing speaker and very articulate. Well explained about our love almighty Narayan


lord vishnu

a personality that makes me


I hereby surrender myself to you my lord .


Whoa... Goosebumps hearing the narrations of Lord Narsimha so well articulated..


The supreme lord Narasimha loves his devotees


Superb episode ..thid guy from Andhra tremendous knowledge about ithihas or history 👏 👌 ...if I get chance I will meet him ..


Love this guest !!! Bring him back for more .. thoroughly enjoyed this .. Thank you


Beautiful thing in Narasimhavatar is how soon God can kill evil without any weapons. Hiranyakashapa was very strong in thapah shakthi and warfare with the then weapons. God discarded
everything and killed evil very quickly. He started killing at the end of evening and start of the night.
