Why I don't day trade (as a quant developer)

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I don't trade with my own money, despite being a quantitative developer (software engineer) at a proprietary trading firm. Here's why.

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You can build a business in trading. You can sell courses, books and dreams to people.


So you're telling me there's a chance...


>Do something that contributes to society instead of day trading
>Works for a HFT firm


I have no plans of developing a career or talking to anyone, I'm an introvert I'm perfectly fine sitting in front of a computer all day.


I've been trading since I was 15 years old. I'm a software developer now. Developing various trading algorithms. You can make lots of money as a day trader but only if you can function like a robot. My advice - just get a robot ;)


I kind of agree with the general gist of the video, but the "do something productive / contribute to society" part sounds strange if you work for a high frequency trading firm. Maybe I'm missing some context here?


I day traded for the past 3 months. I made 70% profit and quit. I realized the amount of effort and luck was a big part of it. Much better to dollar cost average into an index fund and start a business.


From my very minimal experience with day trading, I will say that it can consume you and take away from other areas of your life very easily. I would definitely put a limit on the amount of time put into it if you aren’t serious.


And when you’re doing high frequency trading you’re contributing to society how ?


Just.because things doesnt work out for you doesnt mean it wont work out for others


LMAO! You said that in day trading we aren't learning anything new, and just simply sitting in front of computers! Then what do you think software engineers and coders are doing?


Speed of access to the information, reacting to it, sending orders, trading costs, and your position in a DoM queue matters if you make trades frequently (that's true in case of day trading). Basically, you will have the worse conditions comparing to any HFT firm, so you will be just a source of profit for them and loose your money most probably


First of all, if you are following a "guru" to learn how to trade everything in this video is correct. But you are acting as if all the characteristics/skills of a good trader mentioned aren't worth or even possible to learn over time. And while I'm guessing you are talking to the people out there who are into trading for the money to act like some rich douche bag on social media, there are many who enjoy taking it seriously as an actual job. It may be a little different from sitting at a computer writing code and making youtube videos all day like yourself but to say that you gain no knowledge and have less productivity than a mental patient seems like a pretty ridiculous way of putting it. "You aren't learning about business"? Your entire job is literally based on your understanding of economic markets enough to be able to profit off them. People who are profitable are rare but at one point had started their career right where people who are watching this are today, just saying


Day trading is addicting. I started day trading some months ago then I had some loss (fortunately not much) and stopped. But I got obssessd with the stock market and can't help but spend all my spare researching, reading and watching videos about investments, trading, technicall analysis and stuff like that.


Day trade is not for everyone especially for the weak. You need to have a strong mental and strong discipline, the point of trading is not sitting on your computer for the whole day. I earn profit in 40 min or stay cash if i don't see anything and done for the day. Do whatever I want during the day whether reading book or spend with family. I would say 95% of day trader fail and lose money. Definitely not for the weak. I agree with the video tho


hi, genuine question: why is day trading not productive but quantitative trading is?


Ross Cameron - It can be done. It is extremely difficult but possible.


I was specting those reasons, but it is interesting to heard it from a quant


are spot on about the difference between being a value creator, and a value destroyer. Most people should think about creating value, and making themselves a better person. But people want to believe that they can make money by no value creation. By taking money from some other person, and giving it to themselves. ( Easy Money)....Nothing in life is free. Either create value, and enjoy the benefits, or destroy value by taking what you want for nothing. Every choice has consequences, or benefits. Ah...but glory is given to those who ruthlessly take. Consider the success of Fast and Furious. They started out as cool car guys, and ended up as a bunch of thieves. Choose wisely.


I know zero about coding, but I am enjoying your spin on the field. Keep it coming!!!
