Estas Tonne || Between Fire and Water || Stadtspektakel Landshut, 2012

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Stadtspektakel Landshut, Germany 2012
an improvisation based on meditative experience..
Between Fire and Water ..just a moment...just a glimpse of the NOW...

⭐❤️⭐Digital Downloads and CDs are available on the official website⭐❤️⭐

Thanks to Jürgen Liebenstein and Landshut Film & Video Club for capturing this video!

#estas_tonne #estastonne
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Estas Tonne is the reason I just bought a classical guitar and enlisted for guitar lessons at age 51...


I'm telling you he is freestyling, there are zero tabs out there. He picks up the guitar and make it speak, I feels like he has open himself to the universe. He like a monk who reach nirvana.


He looks like a high elf like is he just gonna start speaking valorian or some forgotten language of old.

He looks like he has has travelled from a faraway land over the seas where the tree of eternal life grows and he is here to bless us with his musical fusion


Absolutely marvelous! He plays like a lonely prince in the incredible paths of music. And so beautiful he is!


*said in that dusky low western narrator voice* Let me tell you the legend of Estas Tonne. I happened upon him the square, guitar in hand, just a few passer by's and I. His melody captivated me so I stayed awhile. Before I realized I was hypnotized, with his wordless lyrics I came surprised at the crowd that had grown from just my own curiosity to people blocking the entirety of the street. As he played the people swayed and my mind wondered if he would ever stop. This modern day hombre changed the world even only for a moment, like Dracula with his charm griping at your soul with a mystery and danger. And like that his ballad crashed upon us, powerful, and intense, building like a storm on the horizon and then suddenly was upon you. More people gathered, like they were drawn to some siren song. Unwavering he played on, stoic, and in the midst of this rush he slowed down changing pace still gripping your attention. Easing down to a slow and melodic stop. The crowd stood there in silence, and before we could come to terms with what happened he was gone. A melody still ringing in our ears we moved on but no one forgot the day they heard Estas Tonne.  


His music is like a religious experience and thats coming from someone who is not religious at all, this is just absolutely amazing!


His home is the world and the sky and his friends are the heat he needs. You can find him playing through the port of St. Francisco or warmly on a cold night in Isla Mujeres. Or across the world. Estas Tonne is that rare dying breed of troubadours, those wandering singers who tell the world what they see in their travels, they just cheer you on or you sweeten the heart.


Взрыв мозга!Этого не может быть, но это есть.Талант, поет душа, поет гитара.Как же так можно?Можно!Гений.


This guy should be playing in the grandest theatres around the world. He's amazing. It's like watching a god. Well, he is a spark of divinity on earth and what a creator god he is.


after watching this i felt as if though all my pain in my heart were bursting out, i could not handle my tears. Your guitar playing is something sir.


Это не реально так играть, что-то из космоса, он не сомненно талант от Бога. Браво!


So much emotion. As a guitarist and chef myself, this is truly what I strive for in everything I do or think I try with every cell in my body to make people understand what/why/who I am... some understand, most don't. but that is ok, because it is only those few whom I am trying to communicate with anyway.


This is the music that the soul craves, its what our stress hates, man....this does make you feel soothed


Totally in his own world, he's forgotten the audience and gone off into space. Inspiring to behold!


Это лучшее, что я слышал в своей жизни.


АААААААААА !!!! Ну умничка ! Молодчага ! КЛАСС ! Пробирает до глубины души ! Спасибо ! Это уже не ловкость рук, уже не талант игры на гитаре, это умение передать состояние души через игру на гитаре ! Просто супер ! БРАВО ! 


this music is beautiful :-) I can't believe how powerful it is


My humble opinion....Estas Tonne, the best of the best! Classically trained, in full command of the strings. Incorporating musical essences from around the world, the master of acoustic improvisation. May you go on creating in good health.
Long live Ukraine, the country of your birth and that of my family as well.


Естас, Ви неймовірний! Ви небо, Ви гори, Ви ріка вічного кохання і вічного вогню. Ви вітер теплий і той що бурею здіймає в небо і несе у всесвіт пилинкою невловимою душі. Ви ВОЛЯ, ЯКУ СПІЙМАТИ НЕМОЖЛИВО , ТІЛЬКИ ВІДЧУТИ МОЖНА НА СОБІ.


If this guy can't get laid: No man can. Tonne is currently my favorite living guitarist. I hope everyone in the world gets a chance to hear his music.
