Active Leak Detection at a water utility with almost no leaks - Cor Merks & Tomislav Vitovski

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Vitens supplies approx. 350 million m3 water per year to 5.8 million people and companies in their large service area in The Netherlands. Vitens operates three independent flow- and pressure-based digital tools for continuous monitoring of their drinking water distribution networks and for detection of bursts and leakage. Almost all bursts larger than 25-30 m3/h are detected by one or more of these digital tools, and repaired fast and good. Vitens has the ambition to drive down leakage from already very low to as low as reasonably possible. As a result of this ambition, detecting bursts smaller than 25-30 m3/h faster has been recognized as an improvement. The Vitens’ distribution networks are pressure managed and include all materials available. Leak detection is a challenge. Training of enthusiast maintenance staff was necessary. Vitens decided to invite professionals on leak detection to provide the training. This presentation will highlight the two-week ALD training program during September 2021, the results and follow-up within Vitens.