Muthaitharu by Aishwarya Srinivas #vaikasivisakam #shorts #whatsappstatus

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This is a popular song on Lord #muruga by Arunagirinathar in Tamil, set to powerful music. Copyrights Protected: Aishwarya Srinivas
Our copyright policy

We honestly work hard and spend a good time and amount of our resources to produce our music and dance videos. They are produced and uploaded in our social platforms solely to take our art to all those raiskas around the globe who are unable to reach us in person.

It is not about 'misuse' or 'trying to support' our dance and audio productions by just giving credits. Art is for all for sure. Our productions uploaded in social platforms are for the art lovers worldwide to WATCH and ENJOY but definitely not for copying or reproducing without our authorisation.
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Complete version of this rendition is astounding 🙏


Wah wah ji speechless.
Radhe Radhe ji
