What does it mean to dress modestly? | GotQuestions.org

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What does the Bible say about modesty? How can a person determine if he or she is dressing modestly? In this video, we answer your question: What does it mean to dress modestly?

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Observation - it is not quite as true now, but most of the big name fashion designers were men; one might wonder where the immodesty came from in women's clothing. Men want eye candy and women want to be eye candy; it makes for quite the feedback loop that benefits no one in the end.

If someone suggests a certain outfit to you, what is in it for them? Do they want you to look good to other people or to the Lord Jesus. I think there are some who would make different suggestions if they thought about the second.

Just because one person is able to modestly wear something does not mean everyone can. I remember seeing the same dress on a pair of sisters, one could wear it modestly and comfortably, the other was not so modest or comfortable in that dress. Most times, the difference will not be that extreme, but it can happen.

If you would not be comfortable meeting Jesus in something you are wearing, consider something different.


i used to dress to feel superior. now i only wear a black hoodie everyday. the attention aint worth it. attracts a lot of predators


The topic of modesty is a very important issue to address. Many women professing to have a relationship with Christ look more like a woman of the world than a woman of faith in Christ. With that said, youtube influencers when covering this topic must be careful not to contribute to the problem. Some of the photos you have in this video of immodest women could cause struggling men to stumble. We can address the issue of modesty without crossing the line. To the women professing Christ, honor God and dress like a daughter of the King of Kings, not a harlot.


Dress appropriately to be good examples and representations of christ, in and out of church. The impression we give others too


It's always women being harped on for this. How about men? They walk around shirtless in summer, or with tiny shorts, or those horrific sweatpants that really hide nothing. They should be modest as well.

Also, apparently it's a thing now to wear shorts to church? I see both men and women that way. It's mind boggling to me.


i wear atheltic shorts and t shirt everywhere, i was asked to wear long pants at church so i did, i dont want to cause my sisters to stumble.


Well said, Thank you for sharing the truth.


I don't worry and can't afford clothes. I just put on what I have.


With all due respect I would like to ask a question and make a statement or two. Why are those that believe in the biblical narrative constantly promoting European/Caucasian images of The Most High, Yeshua (Jesus the Christ), the patriarchs, the angels and the Apostles? This is a form of white supremacy. True believers don’t promote false images. True believers will always promote the word. True believers will always promote the gospel. True believers should never promote false images.

*No disrespect intended. Just something to consider.


come on guys, quit being soft - wearing your underwear (a swimsuit) around strangers in public is WRONG.


Please pray that God will repent of his sins of bullying, cruelty and hypocrisy. He continues to use people to bully me every day.


Describes many things in general, not specific.

So what about going to a beach? A bikini can’t be modest, so the woman (man too) should wear an overall all the time.
