How to configure Bundle Analyzer in Angular?
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#angular #webpack #performance
This video explains the need to configure a must-have bundle analyzer in Angular and also teaches how to do it step by step.
Related videos and NPM packages
- Video on adding custom webpack configuration in Angular
-Video on tips to reduce the Angular bundle size
npm i -D webpack-bundle-analyzer
- Install moment-locales-webpack-plugin to remove the desired locales from the bundle
npm i -D moment-locales-webpack-plugin
- Install moment-timezone-data-webpack-plugin to remove the desired timezones from the bundle
npm i -D moment-timezone-data-webpack-plugin
This video explains the need to configure a must-have bundle analyzer in Angular and also teaches how to do it step by step.
Related videos and NPM packages
- Video on adding custom webpack configuration in Angular
-Video on tips to reduce the Angular bundle size
npm i -D webpack-bundle-analyzer
- Install moment-locales-webpack-plugin to remove the desired locales from the bundle
npm i -D moment-locales-webpack-plugin
- Install moment-timezone-data-webpack-plugin to remove the desired timezones from the bundle
npm i -D moment-timezone-data-webpack-plugin
How to configure Bundle Analyzer in Angular?
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Tree shaking in JavaScript (Optimize the bundle size of your application) | Complete Example + Setup
#Webpack #Bundle #Analyzer
Installing and using Webpack Bundle Analyzer
Use Statoscope and Webpack Bundle Analyzer to graphically debug your client side code fast and easy!
How To Analyze Angular Bundle Using Webpack Bundle Analyzer
Adding Webpack Bundle Analyzer to Next.js
Angular: Performance Enhancement with Webpack Bundle Analyzer
How to Analyze and Improve your Create React App Production Build
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Your NextJS App is Too Big
Webpack Bundle Analyzer with Create React App without ejecting.
How to analyze your JavaScript bundles
Angular bundle optimization using Webpack Bundle analyzer/Sourcemap explorer
Angular8 webpack bundle analyzer
19. Tools used for debugging the bundle files - Webpack Bundle analyzer & source map explorer
Webpack Bundle Analyzer | Preview