PRADA Saffiano Lux Tote Bag Review Authentic vs Replica

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Do you want to know the difference between Authentic and Replica ? Subscribe to our channel, we'll help you to spot the difference ! In this Video , we'll compare Prada Saffiano Bag from Neiman Marcus and the best quality replica we could find on the market. Thank you for watching and please subscribe! to our channel! :)
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I recently brought my prada bag 3 weeks ago. it came in a white dust bag and has the stitching under the side buttons, but it is definitely real since i brought it from the prada store in Australia.


The Saffiano Lux Tote Bag comes in 5 sizes. The mini, small, medium with strap, medium without strap and large.

The supposedly "replica" is the Medium with strap and the supposedly "authentic" is either large or a medium without strap. You can't compare two different models and be surprised when it's not the same size lol.


This lady obviously was comparing two different types of Prada Saffiano. I have both of them myself, all authentic so I can tell that some of her advice (i.e. the interior white tag, zipper, authentic card) are useful as people usually do not pay attention to those small details. Her other advices, however, are not accurate. Prada still has white dust bag for their handbag, Saffiano Lux BN1801 does have small stitches under the snaps. 


Actually, there is 3 sizes for each one of "Saffiano Lux Tote": small, medium and large.

The white box is an original gift packing, not necessarily a fake packing.
And not all the bags come with de silk bag, they also come with felt bag.


I bought my PRADA in Milan. The bag look exactly the same with the white one. This cannot be fake.


pretty much just confirmed that I should get a fake


What's up with all the thumbs down? Did I miss something here. I feel she did an awesome job with her review. I guess many people didn't like her saying Chinese bag. Lol. Besides that I liked her review. 


Actually, not all saffiano Prada bags have the saffiano leather patch on the inside. The replica (or in your case the "chinese bag") is a different model than the one you have. The replica exactly replicates the model it ACTUALLY is faking (including the size and missing leather patch of the lining). Prada also sells some of their bags with the white dust bag. And last note, stop saying "the chinese bag" because that is very rude.


I think the reviewer was misinformed. I purchased a prada, and it came in a white dustbag, the box can be white. The prada lux tote has different sizes, small to not all counterfeit bags come from china...


is it just me or does the replica look way better than the authentic!


I love LV and Prada. I own a few genuine bags but I am also fascinated by the bags from Poshmoda. I buy them because I think quality is what matters most. The price is cheap but the items are super gorgeous and sturdy.


maybe you could use the word "replica" instead of "CHINESE BAG" thats just rude as fuck. 


I bought my prada classic saffiano lux tote at Holt renfrew which is a 100% authentic retail Prada store. My dusk bag is white, the interior pocket isn't the saffiano leather and even the bag box is different! This review isn't 100% reliable and for an instance, I thought that I bought a fake! FYI: there's too size of the saffiano lux. The fake one is spot on and I even want to get onexd


Btw, youre comparing the wrong sizes and yes, some prada boxes are in the white version with the white dust cottony dust bags, and another thing, the crooked zippers on the 'fake' bag will happen to the authentic bag over some time of use. Check out reviews on purseforum and you'll know. 


Prada do have dust bags like the replica one you reviewed. And the 2 bags you are comparing are not the same model and size.


Your review is incorrect.  I purchased my first Prada Lux Double zip tote from a Prada store in Millenia Mall here in Orlando.  Mine was medium with a strap. All authentic Prada small to medium totes that come with straps have a stich on both sides just  below the snap closures.  The only thing that is right with your review was the air/bubble trapped in pads where the handles meet the tote.  Also of course the sizes would be different when you are comparing the large to the medium tote.


I'm in love with my saffiano luxe satchel. It has always been the apple of my eyes. I bought it at Poshmoda and my sister is getting one too. We are both fans of prada bags and this store is just great to provide us high quality stuff at very low price.


the replica looks even better than the authentic one, just saying 


I just ordered one on sale from groupon, can't wait to receive it.


For the authentic one- the inter packets are not necessary is leather, but for sure the newer one is. You should do a lot of research before stating your fact! & not very nice referring the bag as Chinese Bag! 
