Object Oriented Programming vs Functional Programming | Build IT Better S01E18

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In this episode of the Build IT Better podcast, Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, Adam Barrett, and Jesse Tomchak delve into the debate between object-oriented programming and functional programming. Are classes really "in" or are they out? We discuss the pros and cons of each approach, and why classes are not as bad as some might think. We also explore the issues with prototypal inheritance and shared global state. But it's not all doom and gloom, as we discuss some of the best practices we've seen in the wild, and offer practical tips for working with both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms.

Tracy Lee- @ladyleet
Ben Lesh- @BenLesh
Adam L. Barrett- @adamlbarrett
Jesse Tomchak- @jtomchak

Рекомендации по теме

Rxjs is based on functional principles (Function composition) but the most part of RxJs v5 and later is based on classes (to be optimized for Angular)! RxJs please leave Angular and bet on complete functional style where the original intentions were)!
