The Last Journey of Buddha - 'How did Buddha Die ??' । 'What was the last message of Buddha ?? '

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The last journey of Buddha started from Vulture Peak when Buddha left for Ambalathika from Rajgir. He reached Kushinagar after a long journey, hundreds of kilometres long, which he undertook on foot.
At Capala Shrine, Buddha announced that he will attain Parinibbana in three months. He renounced his will to live on.
He reached the Pava village where he stayed in the Mango Groove of Cunda, the smith. Here he had that last meal of his life. Cunda invited Buddha and the congregation of monks for the meal, which Buddha accepted.
Cunda prepared a special delicacy called “Sukaramaddava”. As directed by Buddha he served the meal to Buddha only and buried the rest in the ground. After the meal Buddha suffered from a severe attack of dysentery with intense pain in his stomach. But he continued with his last journey, though he was severely ill and extremely weak.
Buddha passed into Mahaparinibbana on the full moon day of Vesak / Wesak month in 543 BC. The ruler of Kushinagar arranged for the cremation, and the last rites were carried out as per the honour of a Universal Monarch.

On the seventh day after Buddha’s death, his body was carried for the cremation to the place where the Malla kings used to be crowned.
After the body has burned, clouds appeared in the sky and it rained from the sky, cooling the pyre of the blessed one.

After his cremation, there was a heated debate on right to the relics of Buddha. All clans in attendance wanted to have the right to the relics. Hearing the heated debate, Brahmin Dona addressed the assembly. He suggested that the relics should be divided into eight equal parts and given to all eight clans who were in attendance. The assembly agreed to this suggestion and gave the responsibility of dividing the relics to Drona himself. The clans returned with the relics and kept them in eight relic stupas in different parts of the country.
Today only a large statue of Buddha remains at that very place, in Parinibbana posture. A temple has been erected to mark that event. Even after thousands of years of the parinibbana of Buddha, his Dhamma is providing the path to millions of people in search of the ultimate truth !!

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" The day Buddha died, in the morning he gathered his people, the way you are here; perhaps it was just the same kind of morning. Buddha every day talked to his disciples, but that was a special day because he said, “Today I am going to die. I have been hearing the steps of death for a few days; now they have reached very close and it is only a question of a few hours. So if you have any question to ask, ask, because I am not going to come again – this is my last death. The wheel of life and death is going to stop for me.

“So don’t feel embarrassed even if your question is stupid; otherwise later on you will always feel sad that Buddha was available, a man of total awareness, and still you could not gather courage to ask the question.”

It is not that there were not questions in peoples’ minds – they are always there. Just as leaves grow on trees, questions grow in the mind. But at the moment when the master is going to die, nobody was going to harass him. For forty-two years he has been answering their questions, and if in forty-two years your questions are not solved, what is the point of torturing the old man who is going to die? Nobody asked.

His closest companion and caretaker, Ananda, said, “Bante” – Bante is Pali for Bhagwan – “we don’t have any questions. You have answered all our questions thousands of times, and we go on asking the same questions, phrasing them differently…. At this moment we would like to just sit silently with you.”

Buddha said, “That’s good, because death has reached very close. So you allow me to die.”

There were tears, people were sobbing…. They have loved this man their whole life, and it is very rare – once in thousands of years such a man comes into the world and rises to such heights of consciousness, love, blissfulness. And they were also crying and weeping that tomorrow morning all that they had – a master – would not be there. And they have been stupid, they have not learned anything.

Buddha said, “I will be dying in four stages. First, I will close my eyes and remove myself from the body. In the second step I will remove myself from the mechanism of the mind. In the third step I will remove myself from the world of feelings, the heart. And in the fourth step, the dewdrop will fall into the ocean.”

A man of awareness does not die in a coma. He can even give you a description of how the death is going to happen.

Buddha closed his eyes. At that very moment a man came running from the town nearby, and he said, “I have just heard that Buddha is dying – and I have a question. I know I am an idiot. For forty-two years he has been passing through my village, but there was always something holding me back. A customer would come to the shop and I would say, ‘Buddha is always available – tomorrow I can go to see him. But this customer may not come tomorrow. He needs things now. He will go to another shop – and nobody wants to lose customers.’ Sometimes there were friends and we had met after years, and I would say, ‘I can go to Buddha anytime, but these friends have come to see me after many years; it does not look right to leave them and go to Buddha.’ And so on and so forth. Sometimes it was a marriage, sometimes it was a party…. But this morning I heard that Buddha is going to die – I had to close the shop.

“My wife was shouting, my children were asking, ‘What is the point? – you had just opened, and you are closing!’ I did not hear anybody, there was no time left, there was no time to answer all their questions. I said, ‘When I come back I will explain. Just right now get out of the way and let me go!’ So I have come with the question.”

Ananda said, “But you are a little late. We have given our permission that the master can disappear into the whole, and he has already entered the first stage. So please forgive us, it is not our fault. Forty-two years you have postponed; now wait a few thousand years more. When another Buddha appears, another enlightened man, then don’t be so foolish.”

But Buddha opened his eyes. He said, “Ananda, this will be a condemnation for me – that a man had come thirsty, and I was still alive and I could not quench his thirst. I can delay death a little bit, but his question has to be answered; otherwise the poor fellow will feel guilty his whole life.”

A conscious man dies in a totally conscious way, step by step. And if he wants to return before he has taken the fourth step, he can come back. His death is simply dropping the body, the mind, the heart, and finally, the individual center, into the universal whole. Each thing is perfectly done in alertness."


As a black girl from the Caribbean, Christianity was all I knew. As I got older I started to question things, found myself going down a rabbit hole…a spiritual journey. Of all the I have dabbled into, I can say that, the teachings of Gautama Buddha has transformed my life in a very profound way. Even if I never become Buddhist, I am so grateful that I came across the knowledge & I hope to share the principles of Buddha with my fellow Caribbean family and friends. Peace and Love to all 💞


As a Buddhist myself, I must say that this was an excellent video. I didn't think it would be at first, but I was pleasantly surprised. Well done, sir. Thank you.


Indeed the super most kindness love helping hand for all all...are the pivots of eternal teachings having relevance for mankind prostration at the LOTUS FEET OF BHAGWAN SRI GAUTAMA BUDDHA...SIDDHARTH BUDDHA...


The blessed one Buddha was born under a tree, became enlightened under a tree, gave his first sermon under a tree and passed on under a tree one of the reasons trees to this day are sacred to Buddhist.


Buddha never die.
Buddha have no birth, no death.
Buddha was, is & forever.
Buddha have name & form.
Buddha is enlightenment.


Great narration! Although I wasn't born as a Buddhist, I chose buddha as my favourite amongst the revered ones as a child. Indeed the 1st storybook I brought was based on legends of Buddha. I could also remember the illustrations in that book. I never understood or still understand why I was very much attached to buddha as a child without even having any knowledge about his teachings😅


Learning more about Buddha's life is such an amazing thing to add to my memory chip . Thank you for sharing such informative videos about Gautam Buddha 🙏🏻🌼.


Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambudhassa. Although we are not fortunate to have met the Buddha, we are still fortunate to live in a time that Buddha's teachings exist. This is not a time to make fun of and insult the Noble Lord Buddha. Please be vigilant and follow the path. May all my Dhamma friends be protected by the Noble Dhamma!


I am a big fan of Lord Buddha. I too feel peaceful looking at his statue 🙏🙏


Supreme Buddha the Great. Bless us all in the world with your beautiful teachings for always and forever. Love you. Thank you. Namo Buddhaya. 🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐❤️❤️❤️


I’m very proud to be a Buddhist. I wish to be reborn as a Buddhist if I get a human life again.


Thanks for such a wonderful video. Buddham sharanam gachchami. May all the living beings be blessed by the teachings of the Buddha and his dhamma.


Blessings BUDDHA, Thank you Buddha my joy filled ❤️


Buddha - teacher of human and gods. Namo Amitabha Buddha.


Thanks you for the informations. I'm very proud to be born in a Buddhist family. I worship the lord Buddha. 🙏🌺🙏🌺🌺 S~aadhu. ! Saa~~dhu. !!.Saa~~~dhu.!!!. MAY THE TRIPLE GEM BLESS YOU ALL.


Excellent and wonderful heritage of india for all devoted souls....


Excellent, touching, healing from within, the last journey of universal monarch 🙏 Bhagwan Buddha.


Very heart-touching. The biggest achievement ever attained by the blessed one for all the sentient beings.


Very beautiful narrated. Thank you for this. I am not a Buddhists but learn from all religions. I often wondered how he passed. I had heard that in the end he was sickly. Beautiful images, beautiful voice, very enlightening.
