Spring Boot - The Missing Guide : 6 - How Spring handles Transactions & Security using AOP/Proxies

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#sivalabs #java #springboot #springboottutorial

In this video, we will deep dive into how Spring handles Cross Cutting Concerns like Database Transactions and Security using Aspect Oriented Programming and Proxy Design Patterns. We will understand how proxy creation works using JDK Dynamic Proxies and Cglib proxies. Finally, we will discuss a common misunderstanding of database transaction handling scenarios.

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Very useful video. The way you explain the internal workings gives a new level of understanding of the concepts and will definitely bring a difference in the way we code. Looking forward to more videos from you.


Nice video, I appreciated the way that you built the idea of proxy with different approaches. Also really good that you pointed out to the fact that calling methods on the target object from other methods on the same object doesn't trigger the transactional support since the support is implemented by the proxy, not the target itself. It is really easy to forget such details.


Absolutely a gem 💎. Thank you very much for the video. Waiting for next from this series.


Another amazing video by you my friend. It is getting even better and better. Congrats and thanks for that.


Very useful video again! But, as a small remark and a request, can you please explain how Spring uses AOP in transaction management? You mentioned it in a sentence, but I did not see an explanation. Thanks in advance!


Great video, hey Siva do you recommend any book where all the internal workings of spring is there like this which you have explained in the video.
