1 Year Sit Spin Progress | Adult Figure Skating

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I hated sit spins because until you get the momentum they are so uncomfortable to fall out of. But then I realized they’d gotten a lot better, seemingly just all of a sudden. It just so happened to be exactly last February that I was first introduced to doing them.
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Love this! So honest. Learning difficult elements takes and commitment and you capture the reality beautifully.


it's so encouraging - thank you!!


Yo wait 😧 I went skating for the first time around that same day- it was like early-mid February, then I started taking lessons and then corona happened, but I’ve been back on this ice for a few months and have improved a lot, almost through my learn to skate adult classes... I’m not an adult, but I prefer being with the adults over the young children 😂


Hey girl, loved this, I'm going to start filming my progress too I just started in August. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I'm just really intrigued because I'm 23 and want to know what hope I've got just starting now looool. Lots of love from London ❤️
