Super cute Bibi welcomed dad after many days of hospital treatment

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Super cute Bibi welcomed dad after many days of hospital treatment
Monkey Bibi wakes up. Bibi the monkey brushes his teeth. Monkey Bibi ran down to eat breakfast with his mother. Monkey Bibi heard the news that dad came home today. Monkey Bibi was happy to hear that dad was coming home. Monkey Bibi waits for his father to return. Monkey Bibi ran down to open the door. Monkey Bibi was happy to see his father home. Monkey Bibi hugs his father. Monkey Bibi cried for joy. Monkey Bibi worriedly went looking for his father. Monkey Bibi sits and waits for his father to take a bath. Bibi the monkey took a towel for his father. Bibi monkey is docile.

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So happy to see Quan home and Bibi so happy to be with his dad again!! This happy reunion has made my day better!!


Aww, Bibi looks so happy and excited to see his dad after many days. He is always so vocal with him.


Qué contento está de volver a estar con su papá qué alegría que ya esté en casa y que se ponga bien pronto ❤❤❤❤❤


Madre mia lo que Bibi quiere a su papá.
Emociona verlo, es precioso y es correspondido.
Gracias por estos video en los que pruma el cariño y el buen trato a los animales.


Happy to see dad is back from hospital and reunited with his little boy again. I hope you are feeling much better dad. 💕 I loved hearing Bibi screech with joy as he was being cradled in dad's loving arms. Try and rest some more dad but at least you are home in the company of your loving family and Bibi will be happy again. Love and hugs... 💕🤗


So cute when Dad got home baby just jumped in his arms and started talking just like he was telling everything that had been going on since he had been gone.😂❤


So much love in Bibi’s heart for dad!!💙😍And, boy oh boy, he greeted him with so much happiness, expressing in his lovely sounds how much he was missed and dearly welcomed home!!🤗😍
Love you little sunshine!!❤️🌞


It warms my heart to see BiBi happy to see Dad come home from hospital.😊 looks like he's determined to open that door to see Dad😂❤ welcome home dad!


Bibi is a sweetheart❤It was the funniest thing to see him trying to get into the bathroom and how clever he has become. He knew hanging upside down on the bathroom door handle was his only chance to open the door. Mom was Bibi’s guardian angel when Dad was in hospital. He is very lucky man to have her to help. Thank you for sharing Bibi’s story with everyone. ❤


Oh how happy Bi is to see his most beloved, Dad! Makes my heart happy to see him so very gleeful! Welcome home Quan, so glad to see you are feeling much better!❤


Oh my goodness! This is so precious! He is telling dad everything that has been happening! And trying to open the bathroom door is hilarious! Oh, the love between the two is awesome! Hope dad is better and everyone stays healthy!


❤🎉شئ جميل جدا وأسلوب راقى فى التعامل مع الحيوان شكرا جزيلا لهذه العائلة الكريمة وهذا الاب الحنون❤❤❤❤


I am without words to see how unconditional love reactions occurs instantly between humans as well as animals. Natural bonding follows with affection. ❤😂


BiBi jumps out of bed ninety miles a hour. Crazy how he knows his Dad's vehicle & starts chatting so fast like probably saying where have been, don't ever leave me? Then trying to get in Dad's bathroom. Lol getting him a towel! He's a doll❤


Bibi, eres el mejor niño, amas tanto a tu padre❤. Los soniditos de alegría que hace bibi me encantan .❤


Gente não tem como não se emocionar. Bibi na porta do banheiro, é incrível ❤❤


Fui as lágrimas que lindo esse amor do Bibi por papai é emocionante 😢


No hay un monito mas hermoso que este, el amor que siente por papa es muy grande y verdadero, los humanos deberiamos aprender. Te amo bibi hermoso.


Que felicidad papá volvio a casa Bibi!!!! Me sentí tan feliz como Bibi cuando vi el auto. Volvió papá!!! 👏👏👏


Que bom papai voltou para casa! A felicidade de Bibi é enorme. Não lembrou nem do seu leite na agonia de esperar papai e quando ele voltou queria servi-lo buscando uma toalha de banho. É muito amor! Que alegria terem um ao outro!
