How to Transfer Old PF to New PF Account | Online PF Transfer Process | Employees Provident Fund

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What is New EPF System?
New EPF system was initiated after the introduction of UAN (Universal Account Number). Before starting UAN, the EPF system only recognized the employer and not the employee. However, after the initiation of UAN, EPFO also introduced the feature of One Employee One EPF Account system in 2016. Under the new system, an employee does not need to have multiple accounts due to changing jobs. Employees can now consolidate their past EPF accounts into one by transferring the money from previous accounts to the current one.

How to transfer your EPF from old EPF Account to New PF account?

The steps to transfer EPF amount from old EPF Account to new PF Account are as follows:

2. Now, log in to your account by entering the UAN, password, and captcha.
3. After you have logged in to your EPF account, go to 'Online Services'.
4. Now, among the available options, click on 'One Member - One EPF Account Transfer Request'.
5. In the next step, verify your personal information.
6. Your transfer request needs to be verified by either your previous employer or current employer. Thus, choose any one of them.
7. In the next box, enter your EPF ID or UAN.
8. After that, click on 'Get OTP' and then enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number. Click the 'Submit' button after entering the OTP.
9. After you have submitted the request, it is transferred to your previous or current employer as per your selected option.
10. Based on the response from your employer, the request will get submitted with EPFO for their approval.
11. You will get an SMS from EPFO department stating that your request was approved or rejected.
13. After logging in, select the Member ID of your current organization and then click on 'View Passbook' or 'Download Passbook' to get the complete details.

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