Almost 30 with no goals in life

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Overthinking kills more dreams than unskilled action ever will.


Yup. Time does fly by. It feels like yesterday I was 18, now I'm almost 52. Don't be too hard on yourself. You're running your own race.


I feel you girl. I used to plan a lot now I just want to live peacefully and be happy.


Hope more people realize 30 is still so young to try new things out!


I was born on march 21st, 1995. And for the first time I understand what adults meant when they said "time flies by".

I´m scared, but I´m glad I made it this far.


Love this, Lana! We all go through thoughts like this. You are still very young and have the whole world in front of you! I'm 63 & still trying to figure it all out. I've always had goals and changed my life many times over the years. It's all part of this amazing journey we call life. Enjoy each day & I hope the very best for you. You have achieved far more than most 29 year old's so keep up the great work! BTW, sometimes lost is ok. It makes it fun when you find yourself again.


I’m turning 30 soon and this really resonates with me. I tried very hard in high school (AP classes and all), then tried very hard in college, and have to tried to excel in every single job.

And yet…..I feel nothing. Like dust in the wind.

No real sense of accomplishment. No real sense of doing anything at all. A few people know me.

No one outside of that small circle does.

I survived. I made money. I was “busy”

I look at pictures etc from my 20s, and I see myself gradually aging. I can extrapolate this out into the future….turning 35…turning 40. I’m “wise enough” now to see what’s coming.

And it just fills me with sadness that “this is what life is”


“Your world has a safety net. You aren’t in freefall, and you never will be. You treat mistakes as final, but they almost never are. Pain and scars are a part of the path, but so is getting back up, and getting up is easier than ever.”


"The more of the world that I see, the more lost I feel". Can't describe how much I loved this entire piece. The Sylvia Plath fig story, goals becoming more day-to-day orientated, every part of this was just beautiful.


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


I'm 32 now. The years seems faster and faster. Is like if I don't slow down nothing else will do it.
I totally understand you


I'm back at home where I first found your page 2 years ago and binge-watched all of your videos. My 16-year-old self has been admiring you ever since. I liked and still like how well-spoken you are. You make me want to take a journal and start putting my thoughts into words so that if I want to revisit my past self, I can simply open the journal. Now, being back at home for summer holidays, feeling the hot air and watching your videos brings back feelings I can't put into words. Your voice and choice of words harmonize beautifully with my heart's melody.

Watching and listening to you is such a blessing. I love you for what you make me feel, even though sometimes those feelings consume me. They still help me feel alive, which is what I strive for.

Thank you, beautiful soul, for existing. It really means a lot!💞


I actually got really emotional during watching, because it made me realize how gratitude changes your whole reality and how little we actually practice it. Thank you for the reminder Lana, that was lovely!


Feel you. Freelancer in the film industry, just turned 31. I still see my child in the mirror. Working on feeling present more than anything else. Choosing actively to slow time down. Working on my diet, my body, trying to be softer for me and for everyone I love ❤


I just turned 28 and have been feeling unsettled about having no grand goals like my early 20s. Your video brings me so much reassurance! Thank you Lana


Is it a coincidence that your videos always come in the right moment for me? I've been thinking about my future for many days but today I just felt a bit more LOST.


When your card declines in therapy so they start showing Lana Blakely YouTube videos 😍😭💗 🙌


I'm 35 and I've been single for 14 years. I can totally relate to this!


Thank you for this, Lana.
Being 26, i've been slowly starting to think about this, about the life path that i feel i should be pursuing, the stark contrast "with what and where i should be heading". This video and your words have brought great comfort for me. As always actually. I have to say, the beauty of your thoughts have accompanied me for quite some years now. I remember very well the first video i’ve watched from you. I was sitting in a coffeeshop in a late october or november evening in 2019, after college classes, watching “why i’m quiet”. Having always been a quiet guy, society has always make me think my quietness was something very (too) strange. A society that i’ve understood now to be way too fast, way too loud. Years later i feel much more at peace and the beauty and preciousness of your thoughts continue to leave a bright impact on me. Being just 3 years younger than you, you’ve always been like this example for me that is paving the way and that i know i can trust because of the similarity of our thought patterns. Not only have you made me feel okay with the ways i feel in my younger years, but you’ve made me see the world the way you do, as i deeply related to your thought patterns this whole time. About life, about nature, about seeing the preciousness hidden in the simplicity of Life. Which in reality is not so hidden for the one who’s willing to love, open their ears to the singing of the birds and their eyes to the grass being caressed by the wind.
You can say that you have brought great comfort and helped enlighten the hearts and minds of countless other human beings, you certainly did for me, and that by itself make all the "things one should have or do by age 30" pale in comparison. Above all what is deemed "success" by a society that has forgotten to value what matters most, the impact of the thoughts you share on here rise above it all. May you bless many more souls with the beauty of yours, dear Lana :)


I’m 22 now, I’ve been watching your videos since around 19. You are the only blogger I haven’t skipped a video from. Since you are a bit older than me, you talking about getting older and about those questions of age and goals really makes me feel like I have an elder sister, and that it’s not that scary, to go into the future. Because I can watch you do it, and you do that so authentically, being yourself. Thank you so much for your sincere videos, they always make me feel better. Always ❤️
